
⁽Torrents⁾ La Gomera Free Movie




/ cast: Vlad Ivanov, Rodica Lazar / Audience score: 1261 votes / 2019 / Info: La Gomera is a movie starring Vlad Ivanov, Catrinel Marlon, and Rodica Lazar. A policeman is intent on freeing a crooked businessman from a prison in Romania. He travels to Gomera, an island in the Canaries, where he must first / Runtime: 97min. La gomera cycling. La gomera guatemala. La gomera giant lizard. La gomera jardin tecina. La gomera. Good vid and great Music, bra jobbat. Esa mujer es hermosa 💕. La gomera hiking. La Gomera a.k.a. "The Whistlers" is a fun Romanian neo-noir borrowing suspense tropes from James Cain, Robert Siodmak and Jules Dassin. The premise is a cop (no unreliable voice overs here) who had to learn the idiom of the whistling language for communicating with people living in interstitial spaces inside and outside of the law. Offbeat, at times hilarious in a deadpan way and rife with truly beautiful mise en scène, the film is a deconstructed tribute to this specific and particular film genre but operates outside of it. All the characters are vividly drawn, the supporting ones carry out the one-dimensionality of their roles with a certain lived-in freshness. The use of music was also very tasteful and deliberately operatic as counterpoint to the life-and-death situations, quirkily told. Corneliu Porumboiu seems to be having fun directing this story. it shows and I for one was swept by the story and storytelling.

La gomera maps. La gamerama. La gomera cannes. La gomera movie. La gomera pronunciation. I love Tenerife. Jeder wie er will... Natur? Muell, FAEKALIEN usw. aber schaut sich sowas bis zum Ende an? Egoisten, ohne Ruecksicht, SONST NULL... La gomera maart 2020. La gomera airport. I am going to go straight and tell you: I am sorry, but do not go to this movie. br> It is the biggest waste of money I've ever made and besides seing Catrinel Marlon naked there is nothing to see. The main character has no emotions and all the movie seems like it was written with the left hand (obviosly the writer is right handed.
The movie also has gross scenes and the whistling sound is extremely annoying.
I rate 2/10 just because of the beauty of Catrinel.

La gomera canary islands. La gomera island tourism. La gomera images. La gomera ferry. ICH BITTE ALLE DEN TEXT SORGFÄLTIG ZU LESEN, auf likes scheisse ich, brauche es nicht wie andere. World War Z, Zombie Virus verbreitet sich in alle Welt! Kein Witz! Coronavirus verdoppelt sich alle 6 Tage, 14 İnkubationszeit, d.h. die schrecklichen Smpthome bleiben 7-14 Tage versteckt unendeckt und können trotzdem Tausende andere anstecken usw. usw. usw... Sowas gab es noch nie, das ist ja das schreckliche, bei Sars lag die Verbreitung extrem darunter, denn das Erkennen infizierter war deutlich effizienter und unter Quarantäne zu stellen. Die Krankheit verbreitet exorbitant schnell aus. Was soll also die ganze Scheiss Verharmlosung durch die Medien und den möchtegern Ärzten. Sorry! Die Ärzte in Deutschland sind nicht wesentlich besser ausgebildet als eine amerikanische Krankenschwester, was allgemein bekannt ist, die medizinische Ausbildung dort ist viel besser, auch wenn wir deutsch, fortgeschritten und patriotisch sind müssen wir realistisch sein das das amerikanische Niveau deutlich höher ist. Dir reden ehrlicher! Woher also die Arroganz deutscher Ärzte? Ich verstehe die Lüge in Deutschland nicht, anstatt die Leute aufzuklären wie sie gut erkennen ob sie infiziert sind und am besten reagieren um nicht noch weitere anzustecken, gibt es dergleichen null Aufklärung! Deutschland/Europa muss sich komplett abschotten, sonst wird uns noch alle der Teufel holen. Das wird schneller gehen als wir denken. Wie willst du 1-2-3-4-5 Millionen infizierte in welchen Krankenhäusern behandeln? Es gibt kein Mittel gegen den Coronavirus. Vergesst das nicht.

Its hilarious how they think “sylbo” is so exotic and exciting but “silbando” is “whistling” in Spanish lol. La gomera wetter. La gomera film. Oye, te felicito por tu vídeo, muy bueno. Y explicarse muy bien todo! 🙌🙋🙏🙏🙏🙏. La gomera map. La gomera island weather. See other formats Third Section j Haflfi Colonist -MTABHRITO igSg, Magazine Features "SO. 238-SKMM Y-UKS!. KAK VKTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA,, SKIH EMBKR 15. 1929 Great Britain and the Dominions Overseas CHANGES IN ARE ORDERED British Ministry of Health Declares Inexpediency of Old Regulation in View of Mild Type of Smallpox SCHOOL CHIIDREN PARTI) EXEMPT Suspected Lymph Used by Official Operator Was Im- ported From France, Lon- don Coroner Is Informed /"*HANOE8 In the method of vac- v ^ cinatlcm by public vaccinators have been announced by the Minis- try of Health In view of several recent cases tn which death followed vaccination great Interest attache* to the new order*, which are baaed I on the report of a committee which] Investigated the question of vaccina- tlon year. The minister la of opinion that, i In the present state of knowledge, j and ao long aa the smallpox preva- lent In the Old Country retain* Its present mild character. % It la not generally expedient to press for the vaccination of children of school age or adolescent* who have not pre- viously been vaccinated, unless they have been in personal contact with a case of smallpox or directly ex- posed to smallpox Infection Public alarm which had been caused some days previously by a mysterious fatal dlaeaae following vaccination was again voiced at on Abbey Built in Year 740 A. D. h NowUp^for Sale v M W18TER Abbey, on the 1 VI Isle of Thanet, the oldest residence in England, is for sale Charles Senior, the pres- ent owner, who lived In the ubl--. f, »! r)if «»*r nt'er pttTOhaatag it from the Dow- ager Durhew*. the Marchioness of Conyngham. said that he won Id Ilka to spend the rest of hla life there, but that his wife fMind rne abbey too quiet after town life The abbey date* from 740 and during the existence of nearly 1, 200 years ha* never been unoccupied. Mr. Senior bought It because he waa In- terested In old building*. It had been in the Conyngham family for 300 years and be- fore that Benedictine monk* had had It for BOO. Benedic- tine nuns for 270. and It was Crown property for 100 year* Mr. Senior said he hoped the abbey would be bought on be- half of the Oovernment or the Roman Catholic*, who have a strong claim to It. *. -- Annual Highland Games Held at Bracmar SCHOOLBOYS SEE BRITAIN Canadian Lads Visit Old Th« Queenaland Oovernment ha* n n i r decided to amend the Public Ser- Lountry as UUestS Ot UX- vice rule that civil servants shall ford and Cambridge Em- 1 pire Tours Committee The Msrquis ol Aberdeen. Pormer Governor-General of Canada. Lead* the March Past of the Clansmen in the Princees Royal Park. Braemar Is Now the Only Gathering at Which True Event Takes Place. SEVENTY YEARS • Queensland Government Proposes a Change in Prevent Age Limit for Employees sn. on, ( n VISIT SVCCESSFVl five year*. It must be shown, how- ever, that the officer on reaching that age Is able to continue the satisfactory discharge of hi* IMKIWh 111 lit THAMES IS SOUGHT EX-POLICE CHIEF DIES i Former Superintendent Hawkins, of Scotland Yard. Sunumbi tired Eight Months Suggestion Put Forward That River Be Made Highway. Relieving Tube and Street Traffic Ex -Superintendent Albert Haw- kins, formerly one of the "Big Five" at Scotland Yard, ha* died at Ted- dlngton. aged fifty-eight. Mr. Hawkins served for thirty-eight use of the year* In the Metropolitan Police Hill Ml WORLD IN sixty onn HOURS British Engineer Has Visions of Trip Across "Pond" in Feur Hours and Other Speedy Jaunts The aecond conducted viait ot ^t" 22? 'aa~J V ir Canadian school boys, organised by limit provision* would apply aoy. wno aieo tnree aeeks thfl oxford and Cambridge Empire ever, when officers reached seventy after vaccination, wa* the subtert nf the Inquiry. Pi'' deputy public vaccinator in his evidence aald he vaccinated the deceased with lymph which he be- lieved came from Paris. " He ad- mitted that rabbit's brain was uaed for lymph In Bridges. The coroner remarked that this he wa* the? third fatal ca*e which himself had Investigated within a month. Thl* Is the seventh death from vaccinal encephalitis reported re- cently AERIAL BLOODHOUNDS Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Suggests Psyrhometry as Aid In Di- g| t rime That the psychometric «a person who ha* the power of receiving Im- pression* by touching article*) should help In the detection of crime— a* an "aerial bloodhound"— t* suggested by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. "I think that In the well-equipped police station • of the future the trained clairvoyant will be part of the detective department. ' he says "I will give you an example of the help that might be given in unrav- eling a murder mystery A blood- stained knife la found You rail In the paychometrtst. who Inspect* the knife and the acene of the crime. He aaya to the highly-trained detective In charge of the case. 'I have a strong impression of a man with a long black mouataehe He I* wearing a brown suit. ' That give* the detective some- however REVIEW PRINCESS' IMMENSE ESTATE Tour* Committee, waa concluded years recently, when a party comprising a ' dozen Canadian boys, nominated from the leading private schools in the Dominion, sailed on their return journey to Canada. The object of theae tours, state* the committee, is to bring together the youth of Oreat Britain and Canada during the formative years Adopted Daughter of California of school life and to foster a mutual Magnate Left Only t5. 000J0« of understanding of each other's points $13, 000, 000 Received of view to the end that ihey may realize that they are all part* of, The taking of evidence on corn- one great Empire. The whole tour I mission in the suit in the Surro- occupied approximately forty-five. gate's Court of New York concerning days, and Included, besides a nine- 1 the will of the late Prince** Clara day camp, visit* to the Lake j Elizabeth von Hatxfeldt wa* con- tract, the 8hakespeare country, i eluded at the American Consulate. Windsor. and Cambridge. Ixmdon. recently. The Inquiry had Edinburgh. Olaagow. and a score or extended over eight days. The evi- ThsSwTs highway. It has been S cub-. uggested. while providing a pleasant wa* one of the most brilliant offl- tomary duties. The Premier 'Mr. change for the public, might doners In the force and was the Moore). When questioned on the muc h to relieve the traffic con- Yard's greatest expert on "swell" subject, said that the rule would | g eat Ion of the London and other crackamen. Among case* In which riverside street*. Thl* Idea 1* one he wa* prominently before the pub- that Is being much discussed Just, 11c wa* that of Ronald True, who now There Is a widespread opinion! waa sentenced to death for the that means might be found to use murder of a woman, but wa* re- wtth advantage the facilities afford-, prieved and »ent to Broadmoor. The ed by the river a* a great natural 'last well-known caae in which he highway The failure of the cheap figured waa the Richmond Park not be enforced so long as the offi- cer concerned wa* able to carry out his duties satisfactorily. The age how- Slr A. V Roe. the English engin- eer, has vision* of a flight to New York In four hours and to Australia In leas than twenty -four hours, within the next half century, by machine* traveling 400 mile* an hour like rockets by Jet propulsion In the higher atmosphere Pro pone tl Statue of Lord Haig Oppo*c gg "™ le * nd. foster-father The camp officers were members of SfiX 2S "L^* the two universities The boys were *'* l 55f of ^thern Pacific Rail- also taken to some of the big public I road ** m * » bout ve>rs 9*W school* by members of the two uni- versities and by civic officials In the towns and cities which they visited CATHEDRAL OFFICERS f'anon Nrwbolt of Rt. Paul's Coni- *e* Thirty-Nine YearV Service to Verger's Fifty -Two Yf HI GUINEA WANTS; SHARE IN CONTROL Territory I'm**- Mandate to tralla Aaa* Change In Canoo W. O. F. Newbolt. who celebrated hi* eighty-fifth blrthdav recently, has been aa*orl*t«d with thing to work on. for. skilled, he could not possibly have 8t. Paul's Cathedral for thirty-nine received an Idea of the mans ap-lyears He was made a Canon In pearance from looking at the knife, 1 1»0 and Chancellor of the Cathed- T don't think anyone could ever ral in the following year, after he be convicted on the knowledge and | had served a* principal of Ely evidence of V* clairvoyant, but I do think he can find clue* where the police cannot. " ROYAL DUKE Ri Their fflfhne«Ar« of York Aronw ( rttirlam by Walrhlng Ambo- Work on ftonday The Duke and Ducheas of York's visit to an ambulance demonstra- tion on a recent Sunday caused a storm in the Free Church of Scot- land. This alleged desecration of the Sabbath was discussed by the Commission of Assembly In Edin- burgh The Rev. W Fraaer. a Scot- tish minuter of Oovsn. suggested that they should send a resolution to the Duke of York "that such an Insult to Scotland should not lake place again. " In the end the Com- mission sdopted a resolution in gen- eral terms noting with regret the continued public flouting of the Sab- bath dar PEACE DAY OBSERVED Theological College for two years During his long service at St. Paul's Canon Newbolt has seen great changes in the character of the cathedral and It* worship He thinks that It* religious life has been steadllv growing since he went there in Dean Oregory s days Mr W Skinner, the Dean's verger, who I* seventy -seven, haa Just completed fifty -two years of office — the record for length of service at the cathedral PHYSIC GARDEN For ISO * Utile to Thoughi Sheffield Devote One Day lo C'altlvaie The Sheffield schools have Just celebrated their annual Peace Day with addresses from various city councillors at different educational centres This Is in accordance with a decision reached by the education committee lhat one day each year 1* to be set apart for teaching on •he • alMvatloi ' rriendly Into i tional relation* and the prrv. of peace The kind of Instruction best fitted to Inculcate f he«e Icm-hh i tafi snttreJo to (he durr'- i the tadhrktual lotooOsmaeter Even- •earher 1* given absolute freedom in •hK ragaael thi only condition in- «l*f*'l <»i>«n i* that the day must be Few Londoners seem to be aware of. the Physic Oarden. which ha* flourished In Chelae* since 1723 It is not open to the public, though it Is possible to gain admission by ticket, but it offers pleasant glimpses to the paaaerby along the Thame* Embankment, and Is also of much •historical interest Sir Han* Sloane. who conveyed It to the Apothecaries- Society ISO year* ago. did so "to the end that the garden might be con- tinued a* a physio garden, and for enabling the society to maintain the garden for the manifestation of the power, wisdom and glory of Ood In the words of the creation, and that the apprentice* of the society and others might better distinguish good and useful plants from, those that bear reaemblance tn them and yet are hurtful The present con- trollers of the garden carry out the old injunction *n »hst It still con- tain* nearly ai; the re-, -* Plant* The Phyata Oarden In all It* lopa life ha* never be«n so help- ful a* It Is today. Not only Is U a centre of research, but H 1* aim out In dispensable to London's botajgloaj studenta. and quite recently sent specimen* to some of the dinar but when she died In London last December her estate was valued at only Cl. all of which was left to people resident In thl* coun'rv Mr. Ernest Whitman Prentice, of San Francisco, her nephew and the sole surviving member of the famllv. contests the will, alleging fraud and undue influence by persons un- known. He assert* that he was on | governed by Australia under the the best poestble terms with the Pacific mandate, desire a change In princess right up to the time of her «he form of their administration death. At present New Oulnea la under the In all thirteen witnesse* have been control of an administrator, Brlga- called in London. Including Com- dler-Oeneral Wisdom, who is renoon- mander Claude Philip Champion de jlble to the Prime Minister s depar'- Cresplgny. who benefit* under the ment. Canberra, will to the extent of £100, 000. TnU rorm of ^^u, gov. ernment under which the resident* have no voice In the management of affairs 1* now thought to be In- adequate for thl* Important de- pendency of Au*tralla. and follow- ing upon representations which have been made to the authorities at the Oovemor °«n°«>Ta. it 1* likely that In the next session of parliament a bill will be Introduced for the purpose of providing for a legislative council of nominee members. Though the residents would pre- fer to have an elective council, this would not be in accordance with the League of Nations mandate, and for some time at least they will have to be content with a nominated chamber, with a preponderance of government nominees meat from foreign countries, while upplles from Empire sources showed. radically no change as compared with the previous year. Imports of grain showed a notable variation In favor of Empire sources Wheat imports from foreign coun- tries declined by 360000 tons on the year, while barley and oat* showed reduction* of. 17. 000 tons and 2. 000 tons, respectively. On the other The 3. 700 white resident* of New I hand, receipt* of wheat from coun- Oulnea. one of the territories now | *rtf» within the Empire Increased on the year by 38, 000 tons, and barley ford Street, London, which Lord Rothermere lent to the Joint Com- mittee of Voluntary Associations for Child Welfare, now afford* Its youthful visitors Its full measure of happiness. In brilliant. sunshine re- cently some 2. 000 children romped and played In unrestricted freedom For 200 of the tiniest of them there were tempting meals in the grateful shade of old plane trees, and, for thoee who could be Induced to take It. refreshing sleep afterwards on low camp bed* There were fqw who could resist the compelling call of toys and games, of brick* and sandpit*. The older ones- and they were by far in the majority— In- dulged In cricket and football, in rounder* and the other games / 5, 000 PEOPLE Marcus Garvey. self -styled Em- peror of Africa, gorgeous and daz- zling in a scarlet cloak and a cocked hat. has been In his glory for thirty days during the session of the Uni- versal Negro Improvement Associ- ation at Kingston. Jamaica. This was the sixth annual convention of the' Negro peoples of the world Oarvej. as president of the associ- ation, has been the central figure of the convention; but other prominent negroes have been in attendance from all part* of the world. The thirty -day session began with a parade in which 16. 000 persons udents to take a political instruction at the Bonar Law College have now been at Ashridge Park long enough to settle down as a happy and In- terested community. Their object is to make the most of a fortnight in which the gather- ing of useful knowledge from lec- tures and discussions Is associated with the charm of a lovely corner of England and traditions which reach back to the thirteenth century. There are slzty-one men and women in residence, and they are of varied ages and are drawn from widely differing interests and classes A group of Oxford men includes a former president of the Union. Some pf the student* have come with a fair grounding in economic* and kindred subject* which have a politi- cal bearing. Others are taking an elementary plunge Into a specialised curriculum. A few are manual work- ers* who think that trade union membership need not necessarily involve acceptance of tne theories or Socialism. The aim of the course, as Mr Baldwin stated when he opened the college, ts to send the students back to their own part of the country "given the material to think and to form sound conclusions from premises. " Ashridge House 1* to carry for- wsrd and develop the experiment which began with the foundation about six years ago of the Philip Stott College at Overstone Park The change of setting from North- amptonshire to Bur. klrighamahlre Is the outcome of the presentation to the Conservative party by the late Mr. Urban Broughton of Aahrldge House snd it* grounds, to be main- tained as a Conservative college In - Of Mr Bonar Law. EXPERTS OPEN FLOATING DOCK Governor of fitralt* forms Official Cerrmony at Singapore Sir Hugh Clifford, of the Straits Settlement*, officlallv opened the floating dock at the Singapore Naval Base on August. 14 In the course of his speech. Sir Hugh said he had not been consulted a* regard* the future policy regard- ing the base, but he thought It would most unlikely that a final decision would be reached without consulting the rulers of the Malay States, at whose instigation the Oovernment of the Federated States contributed • 10. 000, 000 towards the cost of con- struction of the snd oats showed additions of 19. 000 tons and 40. 000 tons compared with the quantities received In 1027. WANT CITY MANAGERS Dublin and Boroughs Reek law Change Method of Municipal Control ENJOY PENNY TOURS Giaagwwa for BIRD PARADISE GROWS Kanctuary In Britlah West Indies Prove* Great Surveaa I'nder Government Care Over 600. 000 Olaagow children round In the humble penny a means of traveling any distance in the g||| on one Journey during the holiday by a record number of children aa fhs figures Issued by the Tramways department show The special tour- tat penny singles" were Issued to the number of 1. 110. 707. This brought In a revenue of over £♦. - 960. which is considered an ade- quate return for the experiment Country A menhir* People tn lonely parts of Devon- shire are now able to poet their letter* on an omnibus arrangement* having been made by the Pnstoffice by which the omnibus running be- Plvmouth and Krngsbrldge | to the Island jtween The Island of Litle Tobago, eleven miles from this port, has become a bird paradise This small Island of less than 600 acre* attracted the at- tention some years ago of Sir Wil- liam Ingham, former proprietor of He conceived the idea of making it a refuge for blrda of every else and description. He Imported a large number of bird* of paradise which have thrived and multiplied In their new surroundings On the death of •tr William the island went to Lady Ingham for life On her death In October. 1939. Sir Herbert Ingham and Mr Bruce Ingham came Into Uie property Later they f«. pressed the wish to convey the island to the King, and to rename It Tng- ham Island The Oovernment of Tobago and Trinidad arranged to care for the birds Food and water have sine* been carried regularly The blrda are in- where there were willing helpers- student* from training colleges, teachers on holiday, the senior boys and girls from surrounding second- ary and technical schools, all Im- bued with the one desire to bring happiness to the young visitors DESTROY 705 SHIPS Lloyd's Regtiter show. Total Ton- nage ef U14. 947 Disappeared From Seaa In 1929 Statistical summary of ships totally lost, broken up and con- demned, and now published by Lloyd's Register, shows that during f039 the gross reduction In the mer- cantile msrlne of the world amount- ed to 706 ships of 1. 314. 047 tons, ex- cluding all ships of leas than 100 tons 9 Of this total 694 ships' of 1. 330. 179 ton*, were steamers snd motor ships Bareheaded Girl Refused Permhulon 1, nd 1J, ^f f M. 47i ^ W * r * "* U, nf favored by little Londoners Every- participated. Meetings have been The Dublin Star has pubuahed the outline of a bill which proposes to create a new county borough of rhjbhn. embracing the present city area and the Industrialized suburbs A new coastal borough will also be formed, consisting of the coast townships of Blackcock. Kingstown and Dalkey Each borough will have a city manager on the American model and a flat tax rate will be levied In each area. ASKED TO LEAVE ABBEY Former Britlah Financial Repr,. senUUve at Geneva Anm. Some Criticism. Sir Joslah Stamp, one or Oreat Britain s financial representative* st Oeneva, ha* written a letter to the pre*s, defending himself and colleague* from the criUcuuna di- rected against thoe- who. on behalf of the Old Country, consented to the Young plan. "Snowden haa set out to get something off the Latins, " states Sir Joslah "He has got practically nothing and our face haa been saved by putting more onto Germany, which is rather the oppoatte to what, on economic grounds, was the trend of our influence In Paris. I doubt the flnal efficacy of the vic- tory on economic grounds. I am not enough of a politician to say whether It is good politic* Much more might be said on the Influence to Worship In Empire-. Great Shrio* ship* These figures, compared with those of 1937. show an Increase of 397. 779 ton* as regards steamers and It la surely a question of dressing, ™ViSSL 'JSTIZ. "*» for the occasion. '' aald one of the clergy at Westminster Abbey on a recent occasion, dlacuasing an Inci- dent during evensong when a young woman was requested to leave be- cause ahe was bareheaded. "The clergyman who approached the girl could not have acted more discreetly and politely than he did in showing her 8t. Paul's dictum: 'Is It comely that a woman pray unto Ood un- covered? ' Can a woman attend divine service with bare arms? I should say not Reverence does not permit of a ballroom drees. " SWANS AT BREAKFAST •apllras In Flush mi Beyai Bird Or- Table aa Caay and tons for sailing ships, the net tn crease for 1939 being. 732, 679 tons This Is not altogether due to actual casualties, but to the fact that 793. - 696 ton* were broken up during 1939. a* against 474. 677 ton* In 1937 Tonnage of ship* owned In Great Britain and Ireland which were broken up. dismantled, etc. during 1939. amount* to 174. 934 « TO GROW SILK A novel and pleasing addition to the breakfast table ts a fine replica pose of studying the possibilities of on Culture ts Report on Es- perlments Under War In At the invitation of the respective Oovernment a the Imperial Institute ha* arranged for Mr Norte* to visit Tanganyika. Uganda, land. Southern Rhodesia and the Union of South Africa for the par- held day and night attended by crowds variously estimated at from A, 000 to 40. Orderliness and good nature have been preserved throughout Extra police were brought from the Interior of Ja- maica, but their eernees have not been needed Oarvey, in his introductory speech, said that hla organisation was not fighting any Oovernment., While their goal is a free negro | of the B * lfot "" nofg. policy, etc " The reference to an opposition to putting more on Oermany u ex- plained by the view that Germany pays reparations only by export* which compete particularly with British goods. It i* true that Snowden a victory waa partly at the expense of Oer- many. There is a surplus of 100,. 0O0J>00 arising thl* year from the Young plan being substituted for the Dawes plan. Oermany expected at least one-sixth of thl* surplus for hereelf. but 1* getting none of it Oermany. moreover. Is made lo pay at the end of each month Instead of at the end of each six months There is a loss of Interest to Oer- many for the benefit of creditor powers on this account. Britain fe- cekred an immediate lump sum of 139, 000. 090. Thl* value Is obtained by calru I arable instead of a five and a half per cent table which the British delegation hitherto uaed. they recognize constituted au thorlty and know that It Is only by respecting law. the law of organized society, thst they can live In peace with the wortd, " Oarvey said. IRELAND KEEPS RELICS The Oovernment Is framing a law to give It the right to acquire any ancient buildings or ruins tn Ireland which it thinks should be under publlr rather than private owner- ship. Foreigners have captured »n many English historical structures that It is proposed In the new law to prohibit trie wsport from Ireland of any part of a national monumen' SQUARE WAR DEBT Freight and Faaaage Moneys Paid Britain liquid*** Bar Yearly I nited Rtates Payment* American pay annually to the British merchant marine, for ocean carriage of passengers and freight approximately which corresponds closely to the war debi payment made by the British Oov ernment to the Treasury Unitad Stare. of a swan made in black and white pluah. says a London paper The swan, which I* remarkably lifelike, k* intended as the cosy for the tga- pot. There is also I smaller swan which doe* duty as s teapot holder silk -raising on a commercial scale. Mr Breton la chairman of Mse Advisory Committee on 811k Produc- tion in the Empire a- the Imperial Institute, and. under it* auspices to silk growing in these EMPIRE SCHOLARSHIPS In connection with the Fellowship of toe Britlah Empire Exhibition Scholarships for boy* in the Old country st agricultural njdsgajg in the Dominions, one of the boys ha* reached second place in a class of thlrty-ela at Ouelpb Agricultural College Ontario, and another was top of his class for the year at Kempt vllle Agricultural College Others of the scholars have already ac- BREED MUSKRATS Perthshire Man I menl in F An experiment in fur bree d ing from muakrat* l« to be undertaken In Perthshire by Mr Ian P rjoilan The experiment* are to be at Whtremos* Loch, tn the rea Musquash la the fur of the musk ra? which La three times it the ThonkStffering Fund The The nk -Offering Fund for the rsoovary of the King haa now reached £499479 The latest I let of donations Include* another Instal- ment of the churchea. THE DAILY COLONIST, VICTORIA, B. Si MDAY, SEPTEMB1 R IS 1929 On Stride By ALBERT PAYSON TERHUNE ■V 'H I MUHMOHE howadji. ventured -i Najlb. who had not spoken for fully half gfl hour, but had been porinju. 1 *heaf of. shipment items scribbled In kntic furthermore I am yearnful U> know the unhappy person the wicked gen- eral threatened or. <>t a perhapn it »a-i that in")? ^encr*! htinsr-i: *!, •, v. n. s ^threatened b> hi* padi&hah or by the " "What on earth are you babbling about. Najlb? ' absent-mindedly aaked Logan Klrby. aa he looked up from a month-old Ne* York pap'- b had arrived by muleteer that day and which the expatriated American had been leading with pathetic interest Now, routed from his perusal by Nsjib s query. Logan aaw that the little Byrtan ceaaed wrestling with the shipment and waa peering over hie employer s shoulder, his beady eyes fixed In keen curtoalty on the printed page "I enseeched you to tell me, how ad J!, " said Najlb. 'who has been threatening that poor general Or. perchancely, who haa been made to cower hlmaelf underneath of that fierce generals threatening* flee. It la there, howadji Following the guidance of Na Jib's stubby, unwashed finger. Klrby read the Indicated headline: "Oeneral Strike Threatened " "Oh! ' he answered, choking back a grin "I see There un't any he isn't threatened It Klrby s attempt at self-control went to He guffawed. Najlb eyed him sourly, then said In Icy reproof: « • It Is known to all howadji. that 8ldi-ben- Hasaan. the sheikh, was the wisest of men. And did not 8tdl-ben -Hassan make known in Ols book that Laughter Is for women and for hyenas? Furthermore " "I'm sorry I laughed at you. Najlb. " returned Klrby, with due penitence. "I don't wonder you got such an Idea from the headline You see. I have read the atory that goes under It It s like this Well say a gang of men aren't satisfied with the pay or the hours they are getting They ssked for more money or for shorter hours, or for both. If the demand la refused, they stop working. They won't go back to their Jobs till they get the cash and the hours they want That Is known as 'go- ing on strike. ' When a number of concerns are Involved In it. its called a general strike ' This paper says s general strike is threatened. Dep rived of Wisdom ««I APPERCEIVE It, howadji. " exclaimed ' Najlb "I am onward to it pow I might have known the printed page cannot He. But. oh. my heart berends Itself when I think of the ssd fate of thoae poor folk who do the Urtklng! Of an assuredly Allah hath deprived them of wisdom I" •Not necessarily. " argued Klrby. wondering at his henchman's outburst of sympathy for union laborers so many thousand miles away. • They may win, you know. or. at least, get a compromise. And their unions will support them while they are out of work. Of course, they may lose. And then " "But when they make refusal to do their work, urged Nsjlb. "will not the soldiers of the pasha cut them to ribbons with the kour- bash and drive them back to their toil? " "Hold 001" exhorted Klrby. albeit despairing of opening the mind of a man whose forebears for thousands of years had lived In a land where the corvee— forced labor— was a hal- lowed Institution, snd where the money of em- ployers could always enlist the aid of Govern- ment soldiery to keep the lellaheen at their tasks Hold on! that sort of thing is dead and done with Bven In the East. Chinese Oordon stamped out the last of it In Egypt years ago. If a man doesn't want to work, he can't be forced to All his boss can do Is to Are him and try to get someone In hut place. When a whole factory of men strike— especial- ly If there are any big contract orders to fill in a rush— the employers sometimes find It cheaper to give them what Ihey want than to rail In untrained strikebreakers. On the other hand, sometimes the boss can bring the men (O term* It all Powers of Explaining SELDOM waa Klrby so successful In making Najlb follow so long an oration. And he was pleased with his own new-found powers of explaining Occidental ruatogns to an Oriental Now. Logan Klrby knew the tangled Byrtan character and Its myriad queen slants, as well as It can be given to a white man to know it Klrby s father had been a missionary at Nabloua. He himself had been born there, and had spent his boyhood at the mission That was why -after he had completed his en glneerlng course at Columbia's School of Mines and had served an apprenticeship In Colorado and Artsona — the Sabell Smelting Company of New York had sent him out to the land of Moab as manager of its new -acquired little antimony mine. The mine— a mere prospect shaft — was worked by about thirty fellaheen native laborera—aupenriaed by a native guard of twelve Turklah soldiers Small situ the plant, It was a rich property and It was piling up dividend* for the Cebells. Antimony. In the East, is used In s score of ways— from Its employment In the form of kohl, carries a true appeal to the Eastern Imagination It has all the elements of revenge, of coercion, of trap- ping of wily give-and-take and of simple and logical gambling uncertainty which character- ise the most popular of the Arabian Nights yarns and which have made those tales re- main aa Syrian classic* for more than ten centuries "It Is of an assuredly s pleasing and plan applauded Najlb when Klrby the divers ramifications of his discourse Tf the stroking one* may not be lawfully at- tack lad bv the peehalik troops Indeed must ♦ he general " Presently. In his absorption In his work, the American forgot the whole Incident U Mine's Rush Orders Trial restoration of peace and tl OQt of several Cantral European rivala had thrown an unprecedented sheaf of rush on the Cabell mine Tf was a big chance as Klrby had explained tfl Najlb during the past few weeks At his b«tttst. the little superintendent, hsd used to get extra work and of the fellaheen erd b> baksheesh had even impressed;•■ the toll several members of the haughty Turk- ish guard and certain folk from the nearest hill village As s result, the first shipment was read% for the multeeers to carry coastward a full week ahead of schedule time The work was progressing finely Klrby thrilled at The HMfM And for the dsrken- lng of women'* eyas, to the chemical by -prod - ueta. always In demand by Syrian apothe- Klrby i personal factotum ss well as intendent of the mine was this squat llttls Syrian. who had once spent two bliss- fully useless years with an All Nations Show at Coney Island, and who there had picked up a language which he proudly believed to be English, and which he with the Truly Oriental l^fRBYS rare knowledge of 1V enabled the mine to of times where a manager Oriental ways must have blundered Into fatal error In the handling of his men or in dealing with the local authorities. "Remember please, that In the East It Is the seemingly Insignificant things which bring dis- aster to the ferlnghee. c ample, many an American met unavenged death because he did not realise that he 'was heaping vile affront upon his Bedouin host by eating with his left hand Many a foreign manager of labor has lost in- stant and complete control over his fellaheen by deigning to wash his own shirt In the near- by river or for brushing the dirt from his own clothes. Thereby he has proved himself a laborer instead of a master of men. Ye*. Klrby had been Invaluable to his em- ployers by virtue of his inborn knowledge of Syrian ways. Yet. now. he was not enough of an Oriental to understand why his lecture on the strike system should thrlh his listener He did not pause to realize that the Idea of strikes was one which he was Just a little ashamed of his recent impatience st Nad J Id. when he remembered how the superintendent was pushing the relays of consignments along After all. he mused. If wss no reflection on Najlb s intelligence that the poor little chap could not grasp the whole involved Occidental strike system in one hasty lecture, and that his simple mind clung to the delusion that there was some fierce genersl involved In It. But. soon after dusk. Klrby had reason to know that his words hsd not all fallen on bar- ren *oil At close of the working day. Najlb had brought the manager the usual diurnal report from the mine. Now after supper Klrby. glancing over the report again, found a gap or two in the details. This was no novelty, the Syrian mind not lending itself readily to the compilation of terse yet eom plate reports And occasionally Klrby was obliged to summon his henchman to correct or amend tha day • tally sheet. In ISajib s Quarters * * '"THEREFORE, the list in his hand, the American strolled down from his own knoll-top tent toward NaJIb's quarters. As Najlb waa superintendent, and thus technically an official, Klrby could make such domiciliary visits without loss of prestige. Just outside the radius of the fellaheen's n relight. Klrby paused For he heard Ns jib's shrill voice uplifted In speech. And amused- ly he halted and prepared to turn back. He had no wish to break in upon a harangue so aa the speaker seemed to find this NaJIb's voice was pitched far above tha tones of normal Eastern conversation— louder and more excited than that of a professional story- teller. Yet at a stray word of Najlb s Klrby checked Involuntarily his own retreat, and paused again to look back. There stood Najlb in the centre of the flrellt circle: hands and head in wild emotion Around him. speUbou: ted the ring of his dark -faced and hearers The superintendent, being own people, was orating in pure Arabic— or. rather. In the colloquial vernacular which is a* close to pure Arabic as one can expect to hear, except among the remoter Bedouins "Thus it Isl" he waa declaiming. "Even aa I have sought to show you, oh. addla-witted oil- spring of mangy eamels and one-eyed mules t In that far. country, when man are dissatisfied with their wage, thay take counsel together and they say one unto the other Lo, we shall labor no more unless our hire be greater and our toll hours lees! ' Then they go to their sheikh or whomever he be who hath hired them, and they say to him Oh favored ef Allah, behold we must have such and such wag* *nd such and such hours of labor r Then doth their sheikh cast ashea up his beard and rend his garments. For doth ha not know his fate is upon him and that his breath 1* In his nostrils? Yet will they not listen to his pray- ers, but at one* they make strike "Then doth their sheikh betake himself to the pasha with his grievance, beseeching the paaha. with many rich gift*, that he will throw those strike-making laborers U But the pasha mekeet answer wtth tears Is I am helpless: What aaith the law? It that a man may strike at will and that must pay what la demanded r " the beginning of a rush period at the i the busiest month in Its history was Just ting in. The Alexandretta -bound ■ of the morrow was but the first of nine ^NT> Klrl **t- a groa The Pipe of Peace ND Klrbv waited te hear no mare a groan of disgust at the ee a tee's tga- he went. back, up th* hill ta his m But «h« Aspect of Kirby's Distorted Shocked the Syrian Into a of Terror. Stretching himself out taxlly in his long chair, Kir by exhumed from a shirt pocket hi* disreputable brier pipe and filled and lighted It. The big white Syrian' stars glinted down on him from a black velvet sky. Along the nesrer peaks snd hollows of the Moab Mountains the knots of prowling Jackals kept up a running chorus of yapping— a discordant chant punctuated now and then by the far-away howl of a hunting wolf; or by the choking "lsugh" of a hyena In the valley below, who thus gave forth the news of some especially delicious bit of carrion discovered among the rocks. And Klrby was reminded of NaJIb's quoted dictum that "laughter U for women and for hyenas The Syrian hsd been his comrade in many a vicissitude And he knew that NaJIb's fond- ness for him was aa sincere as can be that of sny Oriental for a foreigner, an affection based not wholly on self-interest Klrby en- Joyed his evening powwows with the super- intendent beside the campftre and the little man's amaslng faculty for mangling the Eng- lish tongue. He rather missed NaJIb's presence tonight. But hs was not to miss It for long. Just as he mas sbout to knock out his pipe snd go to bed. the native came pattering up the slope on ex- citedly rapid feet and squatted as usual on the ground beside the American's lounging chair In NaJIb's manner there was a scarce-re- pressed Jubilant thrill. His beady eyes shone wildly. "Well? " queried Klrby in no especial excite- ment "I've been here all evening, while you've stayed below there, trying to increase those faUaheens' stock of ignorance. What's the ideat" Grand Tidings 14 1 prythee you. do not let my away- neas beget your goat, howadji I " pleaded Najlb. ever sensitive of any kind of reproof from his master "I am the bearer of grand If I had not of been where I have this evening— and doing what I have done— there would not be any tidings at all " "Oo ahead, " adjured Klrby. humoring the wistful eagerness of the man. "What s the news you have for me? " 'To speak with a briefness, howadji. "- he proclaimed grandiloquently, "we have all stroked oursslfsl" "For the love of heaven! ' exclaimed Klrby In sudden loas of patience. "What are you driv »ng at? What do you mean about 'stroking yourselves? ' Say It in Arabic Then perhaps I can find what you mean. " "It Is not to be said In the Arabic howadji. " returned Najlb. wincing this slur on his English For there Is not sueh a thing in the Arabic as to make strike. We make strike This I say I* we 'stroke ourselves. ' If it Is the wrong way for saying It " •Strike t" repeated Klrby. perplexed "What do you mean? Are you still thinking what I told you today? If you are going " "I have bethought of It. howadji. ever since. " was the reply. And it is because ef my much aetheughtlng that I found my splendorous plan That U my tidings I bethought It all out with tremens* clearness and wieeness Then I told those others down yonder At first they wart of a stupidity. But at last I made them understand And they rejoiced of It So it Is all aettled moat sweetly You may not fear that they will not stand by it As soon a* that was made sure I came to you to "Weflb. groaned Klrby. his head awhiri •Will you stop chewing chunks ef indigestible about? What waa it you thought over? And what Is all settles? What will " "The strike, ef an assuredly. '' explained Najlb. as tf In pity of his chief's denaeneas -Tonight we make strike All of us That g) That Is th* other tiding Tomorrow we all sleep tele No work Is to be made And so it shall be on each dear and niee and happy d»- until Cab*!! Bffendl he his sens an hundred true I ■ she 11 pay us the money we of toll Najlb hastened on more glibly with his pro- leUer. - went on Najlb "And then the double "On the tomorrow s mortUng. howadji., " he said, we enaeech that you will write a sorrow- some letter to Cabell Effendl. in the Broad Street of New York, and say to him that all of us have made strike and that we shall work no more until wf have from his hands a writing that our payment shall be two mejldle for eery mejldle we have been capturing from his company. Also and likewise that we shall work but half time. And that you. howadji. are to receive even as we. save only that your wage is to be enswollen to three times than what It is now Furthermore, howadji. tell him. I prythee you. that we " A veritable yell from Klrby broke in on the smug Instructions The American had re- covered enough of his breath to expend a lung- ful of It In one profane bellow. In a flash he visualised the whole scene at the fellaheen*' ' quarters NaJIb's crazy explanation of the strike system and of the supposed immunity from punishment that would follow sabotage and other violence; the fellaheen*' duller brains gradually seising on the Idea until it had become as much a part of their mucil- aginous mentality as the Koran Itself, and NaJIb's friendly desire that Klrby might share In the golden benefits of the new scheme Najlb smiled up at him as might a dog that had Just performed some pretty new trick, or a child who ha* brought to its father a gift. But the aspect of Klrby s distorted face there In the dying firelight shocked the Syrian into a grunt of terror. Scrambling lo hi* feet, he rp uttered quaverlngly. "Tame yourself, howadji. I enaeech you! Why are you not rejolceful? Will it not mean much money for you. and " "Listen to met" ordered Klrby. fighting hard for self-control and forcing himself to apeak with unnatural slowness. "You've done more damage than If you had dynamited the whole mine and then turned a river Into the shaft. This kind of news spreads In a week there won t be a worker eaat of the Jordan who won t be a strike fan. And these people here will work the Idea a step farther I know them They'll decide that if one strike is good, two strikes are better. And they will strike every week— loafing between times. " peo-ing " To my the Klrh> V RMfjhf Simplicity ' tie apeak But his breath eta for*, token' of hxgT Added Admiration "'HIS proapect brought a grin or pure bliss to NaJIb's. swarthy face. He looked In new admiration upon bis far-aighted chief. Then, taking new hold on his self-control. Klrby began again to talk A* If addressing a defective child, which, as a matter of fact, he was doing, he expounded tha hideous situation He explained the disloyalty to the Cabell* of such * move as Najlb had planned He pointed out the pride he and Najlb had taken In the new business they had secured from the home office, and the fact that this new business had brought an increase of pay to them both as well aa to the fellaheen He showed how great a triumph for the mine was this vast of business and the stark necessity of sing the new cuitomers by the promptitude and uniform excellence of all shipments. He pointed out the utter collapse to this and to •11 the rest of the mine's connections which a strike would entail Najlb listened to this with interest, but with no great conviction. Wen Kirby's declaration the* the ridiculous strike would be a failure, and that the Gov- ernment would assuredly punish any to the Cabell property, did not serve to him Najlb was a Syrian. An idea one* ly rooted In his mind, waa loath to let Itself be torn thence by mere words. Klrby waxed des- perate "You have wrecked this whole thing! " h« on what I told you about strike* today, and you have ruined us all Even tf you should go down there to the quarters this minute and tell the men that you were mistaken and that the strike I* off -you know they wouldn't believe you And you know they would go straight ahead with the thing That, the Oriental of it They d refuse to go on worx- tng And our shipments wouldn't be delivered None ef the are for the next shipments would be mined The men would Just hang peacefully waiting for the that you've An Inspiration T^HEN he paused, a sudden inspiration smiting him. "Najlb. " he continued after • minute con- centrated thought, "you have sense enough to know one thing: You have sense enough to know you people can t get that extra pay till I write Mr Cabell and demand It for you. There's not another one of you who can write English There's no one here but yourself who can speak or understand It or make ahlft to apell out a* few English words In print. And Mr. Cabell doesn't know a word of Arabic— let IftflBJ the Arabic script And your own two years at Coney Island must have shown you thst. no New Yorkers would know bow to read an Arabic letter to him Now I swear to you. by every Christian and Moslem fslth. that I shant writs such a letter! So how are you going to get word to him that you people are on strike and that you won t do another llek of work till you get double pay and half time? How are you going to do that? " NaJIb's solid face went blank Here at last was sn argument that struck home. He had known Klrby for years, long enough to know that the American was most emphatically a man, of his word. If Klrby swore he would not act as the men's intermediary with the company, then decisively Klrby would keep his oath. And Najlb realized the futility of get- nng anyone else to write such a letter in any language which the Cabell Smelting Com- pany's home office would decipher He peered up at Klrby with disconsolate as- tonishment. Quick to take advantage of the change, the manages hurried on "Now. the men are on strike. That's under- stood Well, what are you going to do about It? When the draft for the monthly pay roll comes to the bank at Jerusalem. I shall refuse to Indorse It I give you my oath on that. too. I am not going to distribute the company's eaah among a bunch of strikers. Without my signature, the bank won't cash the draft You know that Well, how sre you going to live, all of you. on nothing s month? When the present stock of provisions gives out I'm not going to order them renewed. And the pro- vision people in Jerusalem won t honor any one a order for them but mine This is the only concern In Syria today that pays within forty per cent of the wages you chaps axe get- ting With no pay and no food you Ye due te And your strike rather costly For when the mine shuts down I'm going back to America. There'll be nothing to keep me here TO be ruined in any ease You people will find yourself without money or provisions And If you go elsewhere for work It will be at pay that Is only a little more than half what you are getting now Your lookout Isn't cheery, my striking friend! " A Pause of Horror I J E msde as though to go Into his tent. After a brief pause of horror. Najlb pat rered hurriedly and beseeching in his wake "Howadji! pleaded the Syrian shakily •Howadji- You would not. in the untemeful noss of your mad. desertion us like that? Not me. anyhow? Net me. who have loved aa Oaoud the Smlr loved Jonathan of old You would not forsook me to starve ntpaelf! Oftt! Ohel" as the first piercing notes ef the traditional mourner chant exploded through the un- happy Najlb • wide-flung Jawa "But, howadji! " pleaded Najlb I growled Klrby. ing of aU "But J shall be fully insisted Najlb Covertly the Ami heneh men while pretending to sagggg ggejty fee bed If he had fulh and into a conviction ths« the strike ruin for the Syrian himself, than ta* ttftOt man's brain might possibly *>* ';/"- ggM * •„.... «< t m'tw -T»ft»«»»s s---! Najlb might hit upon aeeae wav of *m ore**, the *„| »„ Kirby knew of no way to persuade the men The same arguments which had crushed Najlb would mean nothing to them All their brains could mailer »;... «■ * u; i.. > <,? aid of eome uprooting shock was that henceforth Ihey were to get double pay and half Oriental hutalism ^ CALM fatalism of hopelessness, bred per- haps of his long residence in the home- land of fatalism, begsn to creep over Klrby. In one hour his golden ambitions for the mine and for himself had been smashed. At bast he saw no hope of getting the obeeaaed nunc crew to work soon enough to save hut present contracts He would be lucky If. on non- receipt of their demanded increase, they did not follow NaJIb's muddled preachments to the point of sabotage. The more he thought of It. the less possible did it seem to Kirby that Najib could undo the damage he had so blithely done. Ordering the blubbering little fellow out of the tent and re- fusing to spesk or listen further, Klrby went to bed Oddly enough, he slept. Only onoe In the night waa he roused. Perhaps two hours before dawn he started up at sound of a humble scratching at the open door flap of his tent On the threshold cowered Najlb. howadji, " came the Syrian s voice through the gloom, "could 1 borrow me a book If I should use It with much carefulness? ' Too drowsy to heed the absurdity of such a plea at such an hour. Klrby grumbled a surly assent, and dosed again as he heard Najlb rumbling In the dark among the shelves of the packing-box bookcase In a far corner of the tent. Here were stored nearly a hundred old volumes which had once been a part of (he missionary library belonging to Kirby's father at Nablous. Klrby woke at greyest daylight. Through force of habit he woke at this hour, in spite of the workleas d*y which he knew confronted him. It was hi* custom to get up and take his bath in the rain cistern at this time, snd to finish dressing Jusf as the men piled out for the morning's work. Yet now the first sound* that smote his ears as he opened his eyes were the rhythmic creak of the mine windlass and the equally rhyth- mic, if leas tuneful, chant of the men who were working it "Allah sa-edd! Ne-bl sa-eedl One! H ggg Sa-eed! Ba-eed! " In the distance', dying away, he heard the plodding hoofs of a string of pack mule* From the direction of the mine came the hoodlum racket which betokens, in Syria, the effort* of a number of honest laborers to perform their dally tasks In an efficient and orderly way. In Full Swing l^IRBY, in sleep amaae, looked at his watch In the dim dawn light. He saw It was still a full half hour before the men were due to begin work And by the sounds he Judged that the day s labor was evidently well under way. Yea. and today there was to have been no work done Klrby Jumped out of bed and strode daaedly to his tent door. Ot the mine below him his fellaheen were as busy as so msny dirty and gaudy bees. Even the lordly iaxy Turklah soldier* were lending a hand at windlass and crane. Over the tujck of the pass leading to- ward Jerusalem, the last animal of a mule train waa vanishing Najlb who had as usual escorted the departing shipment of ore to the opening in the pass, was trotting back toward camp. At sight of Kirby In the tent 'door the little superintendent veered from his course toward the mine and Increased his pace to a run as he bore down upon the American Najlb s swart face was aglow But hie eyas were those of a man who has neglected to sleep Hi« cheeks still bore flecks of the dust he hsd thrown on his head when Klrby had ex plained the wreck of hi* scheme snd of hU future There. In all likelihood, the dust smears would remain until the next rain should wash them off But. beyond, these tokens of recent mental strife. NaJIb's visage •hone like a full moon that Is streaked by dun duet clouds. e, howadji, " he hailed his chief for Alexandretta Is on its over than an hour earlier than It was due to beatart Itself. And those poor heu -selected fellaheen sre bet oil Ing themaelfs grand. Have I dons well, oh howaljl? " Najlb! " stammered Kirby. still dsr»* And here Is thet most sweet, book of great worthiness and wit. which I borrowed me of you in the night, howadji. pursued Najlb, tak ing from the soiled folds of his ableh a large old volume, bound in stout leather after the manner of religious or sclent trie hooks of a half -century ago On the brown bark a scratched gold lettering proclaimed the grua lome title Martyr* of Ancient and Modern Error" Wen* did Klrby know the tome Hundreds St time*, as a child had he sat on the stone floor of hla fathers cell -like mission study st tnd had pored In shuddering Ggflggg* It* highly colored illustrations The book was a compilation -chiefly in the fonr of multlehrome pictures with I'l-^mptnrini borders of text- of all the grisly ac e no* of martyrdom which the publishers had aMe te scraps together from *wsl "Fea'a Book of Martyrs" and the like Twice this past year he had surprised Najlb scan ntng the gruesome pagee in frank delight. "I betook the book to their eampflre how- I emote upon My breast snd I be and t walled aloud and I would not hang about. the fellaheen that tha e*rthe was Off "But, " put u* Klrby gjggj they came out ef their hut* and they re Hgfl. '-» for dttilgfldllg tSW# *. « thev slept •hem»e;f« -srp T>»r. r took* mueh to w »: T. e r wrh mv Pwt IB Kirk- | gt fjBgggegtry you ahall. hewadjl (Continued an Heart Page) THE DAILY >RIA. B. C SUNDAY, {SEPTEMBER! _5, 1929 Will Meteor Shower Lay Earth Waste? T 3 the earth doomed' Answering that 1 question in a lecture which Sir Oliver Lodge recent. 1> delivered before the staff of professors and the student body of the University of Paris the noted British scientist said that he did not exclude the possibility of the world being destroyed by colliding with some celesUs! body Such collisions, he -»id are continually happening in: space • What may happen to meteors on a small scale. " Blr Oliver explained, "may hsppen to our world If s big *tar en- tered the outer rim of the earths at- mosphere • Stars journey through space with great velocity, and as long as they move through empty space or through el her nothing happens; they move quite freely and without resUtance But if they entered an area containing diffuse matter, nebulae or a cosmic cloud, they would blase. Just as meteors become Incandescent when they strike the upper strata of our earths atmosphere. They are Immediately reduced to dust through the terrific friction " Timely Interest thst is full of thrills Is added to Sir Oliver Dodge's state- ment by the fsct that astronomers re- port that the world Is on the eve of a meteor season. Dr. Charles P Olivier, professor of astronomy at the University of Penn- sylvania and president of the American Meteor Society, has issued sn invita- tion to the public to report all fireballs snd large meteors Hourly counts of aU meteors, large or small, also are desired "Any meteor larger than a star of first magnitude la worth reporting " Dr Olivier says in the Invitation to the public. -What is desired most of all is the meteor's apparent path across the sky The stars snd constellations serve as reedy reference points, and* the ob- server ahould fix the meteor's course among them with all the precision at his command The hour, minute and if possible the second of the meteor s appearance should be reported. As a mechanical rfid in fixing the course msny observers find a straight ruler or stick very help- ful. The moment a meteor ts seen the ruler Is held at arm's length parallel to the exact path among the stars. If a train Is visible it should be re- ported, with Its duration, which some- amounU to Several minutes. The Willamette M eleorile. Said to Be ilia l-ar*e«l r ver Discovered in the (titled flBllt. Tl — * Owned h» the American Museum of Natural llialor* It Was r ound N«». Willamette. 51. 107 Pound.. I. lr>, I ret I «ng. St. and One lee, ll„h and fZ lee,. Three Urhea KU. It ' ontalns §1 P« -Ca.. Iron. 8 Pe, < en. With Small Amount, of t Sulphur and Phoaphon... "K black I1UN of metal transformed into a while-hot ball of fire dai is arro. e the sky wltfa laghwikag Was laawBiy «nd approarhca She -hit aa. n f n hiM. A terrihr r... I M It a shower of sparks, a elnud of dust and soon all »• qutei. " — From m De- iciption «/ l/. e fall o/ a Fifty Ton Me*M» Near Croot/onfetn, Sruilfttvesf A/rea, at Pic lur., 1 by W HUnm J. of »Ae HnrrnrA Obserrnfney. Likewise, sounds of explosion. If any. should be described and timed. ' How the worlds largest ntles could be wiped out in a few seconds by the bombardment of mighty meteors Is described In Science and Invention by Professor William J Luyten. of Har- vard University Observstory. In his vivid account of the fall of a huge heavenly mass cf metal on "Hoba We*. ** a farm owned by J H. Oosthul- een, near Orootfonteln. Bouthwest Africa. "As It lies there, unassuming. In Its silent tomb of limestone, '' says Pro- lessor Luyten. 'there is nothing dra- matic In Its appearance: a solitary block of metal, great and massive. lying in the desolate wilderness of the •veld. " But If we only try to visualise the conditions under which it arrived we find it gave a spectacle surpassed by few In dramatic appeal. "A black mass of metal, cruising through empty space Invisible to all. Suddenly it enters the atmosphere of the earth; Its great speed and the re- sultant friction heat It to Incandescence in some seconds or less. Transformed into a gigantic fireball, white hot. it darts across the sky with lightning rapidity, and approaches the ground with an angry hiss. A terrific roar as it strikes the ground, a shower of sparks, sand, rock and metal, a cloud of dust, and soon all Is quiet again. With its nose burled deep in the soft rocks, the meteor will soon be covered up entirely by the surrounding lime- stone, snd its tomb will be sealed against the curious eyes of posterity. After centuries of erosion have re- moved most of the protecting top lay- er*, perchance some prospector may notice a small. Wack. metallic- looking rock, and begin to dig it out. " Owing to the Impossibility of finding out how much of the meteor Is buried In the limestone It Is difficult to make a good guess about Its weight Prom the outside measurements It Is esti- mated, however, that it must weigh at least fifty tons Fifty tons, one hun- dred thousand pounds of solid Iron, truly a rock of ages! Professor Luyten says that this meteor Is tougher then sny but the very best steel, locomotive wheels. One can Just file It and saw It with great difficulty "That this meteorite Is no easy cus- tomer when It. comes to sawing need not surprise us. once we have made the chemical- analysis. " Professor Luyten explains The beat result* thus far obtained Indicate a nickel proportion of po less than 17. 5 per cent. Iron taking up 81. 5 per cent, leaving Just one per cent for other metals, carbon, and other extraneous substances. In short, therefore, this meteor Is nothing less than nickel-steel, with as fine a structure as our best man-made steel, and without any flaws whatsoever. " When did this meteor fall? Where did it come from? To the first ques- tion Professor Luyten says that the geologist only can provide an answer, for. by studying closely the weathering and the decay of the rocks around it he may be able to tell more or leas when the strange visitor fell from the T*r, "The second question, " continues Professor Luyten. "Will never be an- swered in full and we ehall have to be satisfied with emulating Caesar, and write on lU tomb: It came, it fell and it stayed. " "Whence it came? From the Oreat Wide Open 8paces. In all probability it originally belonged to the solar sys- tem, and was born out of the sun at the same time as all the other planets. Subsequently It may have cruised through space as part of a comet per- haps, later possibly deteriorating Into a swarm or meteors. It may eyen have been alone all these millions of years, until It met Its fate and struck the atmosphere of the earth. " ON STRIKE - - Continued From Preceding Page EngUind*s Progress in Resea r* h Dis plea $i > Lord Melchett (Continued from Preceding Page* day I begot your goat. - Today I shall make you to frisk with peacefulness of heart. Those fellaheen cannot read. They are not of an education, as I am And they know my wlse- ness in reading. For over a trillion times I have told them And they believe. Pictures also they believe. Just a* men of an educa- tion believe the printed word, knowing full It could not be printed if it were not Allah's own truth. Well, these folk believe » picture, If It be In a book Borl showed them pictures. And I read the law which was beneath the pic- tures. They heard me read. And they saw the pictures with their own eyesight So what could they do but believe? And they did Behold. howadJU" Stricken BaUtefiMt OPENINO the volume with respectful care. Najib thumbed the yellowing pages. Presently he paused at a picture which repre sented in glaring detail a stricken battlefield strewn with dead and d> Ing Orientals of vivid costume. In the middle dlstence a regiment of prisoners was being slaughtered in singular- ly bloodthirsty fashion. The caption, above the cut. read: "Destruction of Senacherlb's Assyrian Hosts by. the People of Israel "While yet they gased Joylngly on this noble picture. " remarked NaJlb. "I read to them the words of the law about it I read s loudly, thus: This shall be the way of punishing all folk who make the strike hereafter this date Then, ' continued NaJlb. "I showed to them snother pretty and splendid picture. See: "Martyrdom of John Rogers. His Wife and Their Nine Children " * "And. " proclaimed NaJlb. "of this sweet por- trait I read thus the law: 'Bo shall the wifes and offsprings of all strike-makers be put to death, and those wicked strike-makers them- selfi along with them ' By the time I had shown them six or fifteen of such pictures and read the law for each of them, those miser- able fellaheen and guards were beweeplng themselfs harder and louder and sadder than 1 had seemed to Why, howadjl. It was with a dlfflcuitneas that I kept them from running away and enhldlng them sells in the moun- tains, lest the soldiers of the pasha come upon them at once and punish them for trying to make strike. But I said I would intercede with you to make you merciful of heart to- ward them, to spare them and not to tell the law what they had so slnsomely planned lo do I said I would do this, for mine own sake as well as for theirs, and that I knaw I could wake you to pity. But I said It would per- chancely soften your heart toward them If all should work harder to atone themselfs for the sin they had beplotted Wherefore, howadjl. they would consent to sleep no more, but they ran henceforthly and at once to the mine They have been onto the Job ever since And. howadjl. they are Jobbing harder than ever X have seen them be Job themselfs Am I for- Ittien hmvadJlT" he finished tlmidlv A i jrfeej Gmilnf A POROrVENI" yelled Ktrby. when he could " speak. "Why. you eternal Utile vmTre a genius! My hat is off to you l ought to be worth a flfty-mejldle bonus. "Instead of the bonus, howadjl. " ventured NaJlb. scared at his own audacity, yet seek- ing to take full advantage of this moment of expanxlvenesa. "ceuld I have this pleasing book as a baksheesh gift? " Take it! ' vouchsafed Kirby. "The thing gives me bad dreams Take It! " "May the hourls make soft your bed in the Paradise of the Prophet! " Jabbered NaJlb In a frenay of gratitude, as he hugged the treasured gift to his breast. "And— snd, howadjl. there be more pictures I did not show They will be of a nice convenience. If ever again it be need- some to make a new law for mine" "But " "Oh. happy ano pretty decent hour! - ' chortled the little man. petting his beloved volume as If It were a loved child and execut- ing a shuffling and Improvised dance of un- alloyed rapture. "This book has been dona- tloned to me because I was brave enough to request Tor it while your heart was warm at me. howadjl. It Is even as your sainted fer- inghee proberb says 'Never put off till tomor- row the- the— man who may be done today. ' " Whale Meat as Food A ANY of the older New Bedford whalers. *■ * who as young men were frequently absent from one to tsvo years on whaling voyages, will testify to the excellence of this cetaceous mammals flesh All whales are really excel- lent food, but the Irregular supply prevent* the widespread use of whale meat. ' although occasional! * It Is to be found in New York restaurants, while one can often buy It canned In flavor It strongly resembles the best of beef but Is much more tender. Silkworm Farming I N the past It has been the custom for only 1 co-operative guild silk farmers of Japan to engage in raw silk manufacturing, both as serteUKurtsU and reelers Now. however one of the large spinning and weaving companies is establLshing its own mulberry farm, where soientlffc methods will be applied In the rais- ing of mulberry trees, rearing silkworms and reeling raw silk ( hristmas Seals /fTHIN the last few years stamp col- V * lectors not content with the increasing ¥ ORD Melchett. formerly Sir Alfred Mond. in addressing the annual gathering of the Imperial College of Science, London, raid that, while they were getting research In the Old Country at last, he was extremely dissatis- fied with the progress it wss making. Funds were not being provided on the scale they should be. Unless that were done, and people thought more of the Importance of the subject of research, we should fall still farther behind our rivals' In other parts of the world He was chairman of the Fuel Power Committee, and had the same opportunity of Judging what was being done in Oermany In regard to the fuel problem When he contrasted the organization there with what was to be found here, he really felt quite alarmed and dis- couraged. While we thought In thousands of pounds, they thought In hundreds of thous- ands. One firm in Germany had spent well over £1, 000. 000 in their experimental work In oil and coal Their was a definite shortage of scientific men In this country, and thst was hindering research work. In hts own compsny the number of men of the kind they wsnted was f*r below the number they could absorb, and they had decided to approach headmasters ' with a view to selecting bright boye when still at school. Those boys would be assured that, if they would go through a university and ob- tain first -class degree, they would not have to look for a Job. but would be found one In his organization, with remunerative salaries, at the moment they were ready to come The company hoped In that way to do something from the beginning to make science a career. Just as the Bar, or medicine was now They wanted a much greater co-operation be- tween the leader. -: of science In the unlv< rattle* and those who wanted the taught material They wanted a conference at an early date so that those who were teaching could be told the direction In which their pupils would find work of advantage both to themselves and to those by whom they were employed irplunes I srd to Find. Di'tn t and Voison In jurious (werms T-HsT use of airplanes for distributing poison dust (arsenate of ltme» over cotton fields and mosquito- infested swamps has led to the adoption of a novel means for studying the flight of injurious insert* at high level* Id slide Is then reinserted, snd a fresh holder containing another piece of flypaper, is put in its place. Afterwards the Insects on the pieces of fly- paper are counted and their species identified. 6 pec lea never before suspected of being wlnd- borne have been caught at levels of two or more miles Among them are enemies of the cotton, such at the pink bollworm and the "cotton hopper. " In order to distribute the poison dust effectively, It 1* nece«aary that the arsenate of lime shall not clog In the pipe that delivers It from the tank carried on board the airplane It must therefore be kept constantly stirred In the tank. and. to accomplish this, a sort of chimney enters the tans; at its top. The chimney, resembling a stovepipe, has a flared mouth which faces fort ard to catch the air as the plane travels The air thus forced down the chimney keeps the poison dust stirred. Further to help in keeping the poison dust agitated, a mixer inside the tank is rotated by turning a crank Black Bass Hatcheries Prove Successful in United States in ire Part Played by Copper in Restoring Blood to ormal I^VERYONE knows II. ^ m of new postage stamp issues, have added another item. Christmas seals, to their list* As time goes on the Christmas seals ire said to be increasing rapidly In value, although age does not always liar. it" snorted the battler who had Just taking a licking, that felW cant even write his name "Well. 1 retorted his manager, looking at his fighter s shiner he sure ran msk«- his mark By the use of inganlou* traps, fastened be- tween the wings of airplanes. It has been dla- rorerr-d that many kinds of insects with little power of flight are present at high altitudes in numbers heretofore un Imagined Such a trap is provided with a slide that Is adjusted some- what like the slide of a photographic plate - holder But in this case the slide, when with- drawn, exposes not a plate, but a, rectangle of flypaper The exposure la made for ten minute* with the flypaper facing forward come into contact with it are T^HE black bass is rated by anglers who 1 know that fish as the "gameat" fresh- water fish Hence the anxiety of some fisher- men thst lakes and streams shall be stocked with this finny species Unfortunately. It cannot be hatched and reared by the methods adopted successfully for other kinds of fishes For one thing, the female cannot be "stripped' of their eggs In the ordinary way. The United 8tates Fisheries Bureau, how- ever, has developed a method which In opera- tion has "proved entirely satisfactory The bass are hatched and reared In artificial ponds, so arranged as to Imitate a series of little lakes, with artificial - nests" provided The black bass Is a nest-bullder In nature, the male fish cleans up a circular patch of gravel two or three feet In diameter, in shallow water, by whlak* of hi* talL Thereby the nest is prepared, and. when the remale has duly laid her eggs therein. It is his busl- ne*s to keep guard over them and to protect the young Experiment* have proved that the male fish, to save himself labor, will always prefer an artificial neat— a ring of sheet iron set on the bottom, with slots to held a semicircle metsl screen. The Iron ring is filled with pebble* and sand The screen Is to keep the father ilsh from noticing, or being noticed by. other males who might be dlspoaed to fight The fishes are fed with minnow*, supple- rriented by liver on occasions Each of the aerie* of ponds Is two feet deep all over, save for a bowl -shaped cavity in the middle to catch the fish whan the pond is drained Aquatic plant* are grown on the bottom to afford concealment, and to harbor and en- courage the multiplication of nutritious an! now hatched and reared for suitable all over the United Bright Future in Store For eir Port on Hudson Bay A T the bottle-shaped natural harbor on the western shore of Hudson Bsy. STW miles from the Arctic Circle, gang* of workers are putting up railway sheds, deepening the nsr- row channel with dredges and making ready for the construction of a dock. The scene of this activity Is historic Fort Churchill, terminus of the Hudson Bay Railway— now officially styled Churchill Churchill's permanent population consUtJ of a mounted police unit, a Hudson s Bay Com- pany agent and the caribou, coyotes and foxes that are the natural denlcens of the North. In three or four years It will be a busy seaport In a generation it may rank with the Domin- ions chief centres of export trade The laying of steel from the settled Prairies to their near- est seacoast. bringing Europe 1. 200 miles closer to the wheat-growing plains, has changed Churchill's status The place has a history and a longer one than any inland town In Western Canada On the earliest Canadian maps it appears as Port de Munrk. after Jens Munck. a Danish officer who Wintered there In lttlB-20 with the loss of his crew, except three and himself The Hud- son's Bay Company found that It was the finest harbor on the bay and in 1«M gave it the name of Lord John Churchill, afterward the first Duke of Marlborough, who had been elected Governor of the company in the pre- vious year, and a progenitor of the British ex-Chancellor of the Exchequer now on a visit to the Pacific Coaat. Churchill Is one of those rare harbors which seem made to order in their design The Churchill River, taking rise as a string of narrow lakes in Northern Saskatchewan, flows northeast for a thousand miles and empties into "the bav. " Near its mouth it broadens suddenly, then narrows again at the Junction with the open sea The wide part of the stream is Churchill Harbor, protected by rocky cliff* rising lo seventy feet and forming a magnifi- cent natural breakwater. When there 1* a heavy sea on Hudson Bay Itself the water* of Churchill Lagoon are un- ruffled The # harbor is six miles long, Aa It* narrowest It ta one mile aero** when the tide is out. at its broadest four miles wide when the tide l* In Here l* room enough for a vast fleet of merchant vessels Just what the Ice hazards are la still undetermined. Stockholm and the Orkney Islands are in the same latitude as Churchill; Oslo and Leningrad are both nearer the Pole The Winters are s? vere. still, there Is corn penaat ion in the temperate heal and length of the Bummer days. Eighteen hours of sunshine dairy I* Churchill's normal quota In July The waters of Hudson Bay are on that account wanner than those of the Oreat Lakes in mid - Summer Bathing in "the bay 1* comfortable until September, and Western Canada look* forward to having it* own Summer resort near by with the long sandy beach at Churchill as the principal feature Geographically Churchill has a strategic position It is almost at the exact centre of It Is wifhln s twenty-four or aimey from aim oat all points In the Canadian Middle Weat Butte. Mont. is 150 mile* nearer to Churchill than It ts to that certain foods are the diet because they iron Similarly, dietetic experts may in the future the use of copper to build up the body from an anaemic condition. The Department of Agricultural Chemistry of the University of Wisconsin ha* recently investigated the effect of copper in the treat- ment of anaemia These experiment* accord- ing to a bulletin of the Copper and Brass Re- search Association, indicate that copper uaed in the cure of anaemia plays an active part in restoring the blood to its normal and health- ful coDdltlon In association with Iron, cop- per builds up the red blood -corpuscles that carry life-giving oxygen through the body from the lungs. The Wisconsin Investigators point out that the new-born come In the world spparentl> well stocked with copper and Iron. At an early stage of life these reserves become ex- hausted and the system thereafter must de- pend for Its supply upon the food that Is eaten The experiments were made with rat* The rat was first made anaemic by restricted diet This produces anaemia by falling to provide* those elements which nourish the ogygen-car- rier. hemoglobin, in the blood. When the hemoglobin content of the rat s blood had been materially reduced, copper was added to the diet of the animal In association with Iron. In alx week* the hemoglobin content of the animal's blood increased about fivefold. "Without the copper addition. " says the Wisconsin report, "the rise In the hemoglobin would not have occurred. " Anaemic animals which received only the hundredth part or a milligram of copper In these experiments showed marked Improve- ment, with a final return to normal The re- covery of animals thst were permitted to con- sume large quantities, or copper was very rapid "An improvement in physical well-being as evidenced bjr greatly Increased appetite, smoother coats, and Increased vigor and activity was a pronounced accompanying phe- nomenon. " the report continues. Experiments were conducted at the Ken- tucky Agricultural Station to determine whether the copper contained in red blood has sny useful function, as Its presence sug- gests The experimenters reduced calves' livers to ash from which the copper was pre- cipitated, filtered out and washed. White rats were put on a milk diet for four weeks, after which a measured amount of liver ash was added to the animals rations. In some instance* the aah contained copper and in others the copper had been removed. In reporting the results of these experiments the Kentucky Investigators declared that "ra^s that received copper m their diet possessed to a noticeable degree a pink ruddiness wh-re the skin H exposed, for example, on the tall, feet and nose, which was absent ttaffi those from which copper was withheld From the external appearance of the rats, together with the hemoglobin reading?, the authors Infer that copper has an important function in the formation of hemoglobin and in the meta- bolism of animals having red blood " Copper, in the quantities found In food and drinking water, will not Injure any human organ. " the bulletin goes on to say "On the contrary, copper may provide an effective remedy In the treatment of anaemia. It ap- pears to perform an Important function In the vital processes that build up the body and throw off waste The evidence Indicates, too. that copper functions in the building or hemoglobin, that element or red blood -cor- puscles which carrleav oxygen from the lung*. "Analysis or the animal organs showed that practically all ot the copper taken into the system Is eliminated by natural processes. Examine Uon revealed that various organs might contain very small quantities or copper, but that the liver was the main storage place of such metal as the body retained. " The Investigators at Columbia University Medical School recognised in planning their research that rabbits in controlled experiments often showed the same result*, whether or not they had been exposed to the effects of copper. Both the rabbits fed copper and those red on food absolutely free from copper were kept under the same conditions of feeding and en- vironment. Thl* method of scientist* to isolate a single factor for purposes of study will be familiar to readers of Paul de Krutf's "Microbe The rabbits were divided into groups end were fed copper in the form of salts, vary- ing in kind and amount The animals were placed on a "standard diet" or hay. oats, car- rots and cabbage Some animal* were then kept on an exclusive diet of carrots and others re- ceived nothing but turnips. AU of the experiments showed that copper doss not cause the diseased conditions of the liver known in human beings as hemochro- matosis or cirrhosis of the liver. The investigators examined the livers of numerous animals, all of which were found to contain copper, the amount varying with the specie* Scientist* have found on analysis that copper u always present m human milk and also In cow's milk Practically all meat and vegetables contain this metal It Is found in most insects and marine anlmala Iq other words, copper Is universally found to plant and animal life I view of the increasing use of copper snd Its alloys In the home, the result* of these scientific experiments will interest Railway Insurance * * moot eiu bushed for travelers and llreatoek carried on th» railway* The fee paid by pa s s en gers i« desig- nated "impost premium. " thua recngrnlelnx is not solely an Insurance le profit* of the working « are lo b* used to the pr o gaa s amg of to Spain. I TI1K DAILY COt OKIS3 - rCTORTA, M1! KR 1= ">. "■ Smiting Jimmy Touts By WILLIAM SLAVfcNS McNUTT Illustrated by C. E. undquist THE! «•' r«r». >«ei Hmlltng Jlmmv McCann >wxi neai (he deserted judge*' stand. watching the fountains plav Hi the New Orleans Fairgrounds Infield vaguely enjoying the beauty of the surround- ing carpe- oi tfiah green and the i lump <>f%'urdv old live oaks and 'm. 'allv tearing up fiVt hund. -d dollars' worth of straight tickets on the horae that had just run aecond. beaten by a nod To turn, 'here, can* Sharkey Tyler the Whining Kid. tkMg MBi >>f woe "I waa on that pig that Juat got noaed out. " he walled. "First bet I've had down all day. Can you beat It? " "I tied It. ' aaid Smiling Jimmy "I we* on that one, too. We almost won it. " "You can joke! " the Whining Kid aald aul- lenly -You're fat. Loam one race don't mean anything to you Look at me. though " "Just thla once. " aald Smiling Jimmy. "A* a personal favor. " "I came to the track clean thla afternoon, the Whining Kid went on aadly "Nothln' on me but my clothes, an' nothln" In me but one slug o' Java I come early an' made an ape before the find race. Oave him both barrela quick, but he wouldn't drop, so 1 picked one off the cuff an- give It to him free Juat for a build-up. In caae It clicked 'All right. Mlater. ' I aaya to him. 'You won t take my Info' an' bet a piece for me, an' I know what you think. ' I aaya. 'You think I'm Just a cheap tout. That hurt* me. ' I saye. 'an - I'm gotn to prove different to you. Spring Storm a gotn' to win thla. I aaya When he pope down there In front, maybe you'll think different. * "Spring Storm popped. You seen him Win b> five goln' away an' paid seven to one! I rpn an' found my ape, but he was still hangar to the limb. Wouldn't drop. I got aore an' a tabbed at another one to make him let looae Oire him Barley Ben, an I'll sing for my Uvln' in Scotland. If Barley Ben don't win! Five to one. Two good price wlnnera In a row with nothin' on 'em-Just to build myself up with thla umpchayl Mil Obdurate ««I FIND him again. He's dizzy but he won t 1 fall Maybe you were just lucky gettln them two. ' he aaya I ain't suaplcloua. ' he aaya. 'but I'm a buslneaa maf. an' gotta have proof If I can be sure you know what you're talkln' about. ' he aaya. 'I'll bet a big sum of money. ' he aaya. "You know what I done? I picked him four more wlnnera! That made me alx straight! Flrat time I ever picked alx In a row an' not a dime on any of em! If I'd parleyed a two- dollar bill for that atreak. I'd be fixed for life! After I give him that alxth winner, that ape mine leaves go hla hold an' hit* the ground with a bang that jars four yards out of hU kick. Two hundred for him and two hundred for me All I gotta do's pick one more winner an' I'm aottln eweet. That's all I gotta do. Just make It seven in a row. • I blew out to the paddock an ask every- body I know what a good an they all gimme this tiling that. Juu ran second by a nose. The ape bet the four yard* an' gimme my share o the tlcketa all right, an' then, when they hung our pig's number In the place hole, he begun hollerin copper on me I knew you were a crook, he says. I knew It all the time. I ought to have you locked up! ' Can you beat It? Olve him six winners In a row he wouldn't play, an' then one that, run second by a nod. an* he aquawkal I dunno what's come over the tuckers In this country these daya. They're gettln' mean an' greedy They didn't used to be like that. Jimmy " "There ought to be a law. " Smiling Jimmy declared gravely What y want me to do about It. kid? Orit. my teeth or aomeihuV? " "Slip me a couple o' days' oat money an' the price o' my room rent. " the Whining Kid aald. Smiling Jimmy laughed and spread hla hands before him. palms up "I'm walkln' back to my hotel. Hd. " he said. "An' not for exercise. " "Oh. Jimmy! " the Whining Kid walled. "You ain't busted? " "Prove I ain't, an' you can have the evi- dence. " Smiling Jimmy replied Tve had a bad week. kid. Shot the laat thin dime. " Thata what you get for playin' your own dough, the Whining Kid lectured him. "Why don't you hustle suckers. Jimmy? Olve em the dope an' get em to play their money for you. " •That's what you do. ain't It? " Jimmy asked "Sure, " the Whining Kid answered A Great Advertisement CMILINO Jimmy shrugged ' You're a great advertisement for the system, " he said Yeh. but I ain't got the rep you have. " the Whining Kid argued. "You could do a won- derful buslneaa huatlln'. People trust you " "I wonder why? " said 8mlllng Jimmy, grinning "No, kid. I never touted a guy an' 1 never will. I pick 'em an' play 'em. When I can't get by doln' that. IH anare me a job Come nn' kid. Let s start matchln' feet to gee which gete down town first. If I can work a touch around the hotel, m slip you a bit for the room, and chow Here we go. Hep! Hep! " Sharkey Tyler, the Whining Kid. and Smil- ing Jimmy McCann were akin In that they were both little men and both race track type* There all resemblance ended The Whining Kid was a tout He knew little about horses and cared leaa. He had never ridden nor worked around the stables Hla racket was pretending to be an ex -Jock with source* of l. -iSlde information he peddled to suckers who placed beta for him In return for hla service* If he got enough suckers to bet for him on enough different horae*. he inevitably hit an occasional winner and made money Smiling Jimmy waa a home lover and a horae player He had been an exerelae boy in hla time A shade too heavy for flat racing, he had ridden jumper* until a bad spin laid rum In the hoaplte! for half a year When he got out. he began playing the horae*. doing his own handicapping and He waa customarily at the track by S o'clock in the morning, watch in hand, timing workouts He spent from threw to five hours each nigh* with pencil and performance records figuring the chance of each horae the following day A pound or weight, the condition ol the link thC traitioiial aecoOd dlfllieeUj In speed of PsTflOttl HjgfcJ UM (ttfesTJ*, the manner la rfeasi! -nev ridden their fcggMt u. r age and pea of the animal, time of the ye*r. Indi- vidual temperament. question Of aOOdltaflB *'>'>; her the horae wa« shor OVgf 1*0*4 «»r at ■<>;. form all these fn. 'or. -, entered into hL« ■ *l>. '-ns Wl'h M> own money, he nude and lost small fortune. -, borrowed *i:m -; -i! to-and could-and paid his debts the moment he was able. His life was full, exciting, futile, and, so far as Smiling Jimmy was concerned, highly satisfactory in Excellvnt Hotel | I | was living In an excellent hotel In the 1 1 heart of New Orleans it waa a l*xur •rek In from the Fairgrounds, but 'he Whining Kid kept Jimmy agrln all the distance with hla walled comments "Well, kid. " Smiling Jimmy said cheerfully as they approached the entrance to the hotel, "we'll find out soon enough^now whether we get food for dinner or take a lot o' long deep breaths. If I can find some o' my friends In the lobby that did good today, we eat If not. we'll tighten up the old belt As they entered the lobby Smiling Jimmy glanced around and laughed We est. " he assured the Whining Kid. Then ralelng hla voice, he called: "Hey. Tony! " A slim, black-haired young fellow came to- ward Smiling Jimmy, hand outstretched "Tony Florlo. " Smiling Jimmy Introduced the young man to the Whining Kid "You've seen him in vaudeville, kid 7 Hun an' hla wife— the Dancing Florloa? " "Oh. yeh. " the Whining Kid lied readily. "Where you In from. Tony? " Smiling Jimmy asked. "We been around town quite a while, " Florlo said. "I didn't know you were down here thla Winter. I saw Ed Smith on the street thla morning and he told be you were around. I been looking for you since " "You found me Juat In time. " Smiling Jimmy aasured him "Loan me fifty an' I'll blow you to dinner. " Florlo paled. "You kidding me. Jimmy? " he aiked hoarsely. The amlle faded from Jimmy's face "What'a wrong. Tony? " he asked gently. "You in a Jam? " Florlo nodded "Nina was sick for a long time. " he said "We didn't work for four or five months and there were a lot of doctor's bills. We come down here to dance for a night club, the Heather Olen. Manager by the name of Nates Moncrleff We landed flat. We danced a couple of night* there and then the manager began getting freah with Nina. I punched Ins face for him and then, of course, and he had me pinched and fined fifty That cleaned us right down to the laat dime. Nina's laid up again, and I haven't even got the price ct a meal. Listen, Jimmy, you were kidding obout wanting fifty, weren't you? You've got money, haven't you? " • Sure! " aald Smiling Jimmy "I got plenty. IH see you out of this mess. Tony Don't worry any more. " A Regular Runaround <» Y ou « ot plenty! " the Whining Kid shrilled Say. what kind of a runabout am I gettln' here? You told me " "I been playin' a little Joke on the kid here. " SmiUng Jimmy Interrupted in explanation "He went overboard at the track today an', when he hit me. I told him I waa flat, too "Just for that I hope you go flat! " the Whin- ing Kid said bitterly. "Honest. If I knew any- body elae In town I could hit for the price of a plate o beans I wouldn't take dinner money from you after that! " "A grand see you through? " Smiling Jimmy kekod Florloa lips quivered N -We— we've had a pretty rough stretch of It. " he quavered In apology "Can you spare mat mu. -h J' 1 "The Crescent city pulls out for New York at ten tonight ■ Jimmy said "Nina, fit to travel? '' "She can make It. " said Florlo "I gueaa. when I tell her were out of the woods for a she ll— shell-" He hesitated and swal- lowed hard "We won't forget tola, Jimmy, he on brokenly "We"ll pay you back Just as "Sure you will. " said Jimmy cheerfully "I aln t worried Listen, you two guys wait here for me a minute, huh? I got a little atuff to The colonel's grey eyes narrowed aa he in- spected the vial tor Then recognition altered hh egpjUstiofl "You rode for me once, didn't you? " he a-ked "Ten years back. " aald Jimmy. "Steeplechase. " said the colonel "Hurt, weren't you? " Jimmy nodded Oct over It aU right? " Another nod "What can I do for you? " "I want to get two thousan' dollars. " said Jimmy The colonel raised hla eyebrows. Then he smiled. "Why ask me for It? " "I know you got it. " said Jimmy. "Oot to keep your hand in. hey? " Montcriefi I Mag ^That's it said the whining Kid. "Dean' Just enough to keep In pndtt • Vou better n •: ura, -. en Jwm. ; Met aim M9Q1 rtHl mumi bin l never see a man •< h... ould pick! >->rse- like Jimim Hes polaon. " the Whining Kid agieed "How do you like Hawaii Lad in the third rare tomorrow. Jlmmv? MontcrlefT inquired Jimmy shrugged You know me Nate. " he said "I never take tips nor give em I pick my own and play my own. " "Stingy! " Mdntcrieff chided him "Maybe. " aald Jimmy "Anyhow. Its a rule with me. I never tout. " "You like Hawaii Lad? " the Whining Kid.. a Small Mob Besieged Not Montcriefi. Demanding to Know Where He Got the Tip He Had Given. "So You Passed It Out! " Jimmy Exclaimed. tend to. Won't be but a little while. Stay right here. " " He s one of the real ones. " Florlo aald. look- ing after him. "Makin" me walk all the way In from the track when he a got dough! " the Whining Kid grumbled. On inxtom Seal I N the elevator Smiling Jimmy wiped his face * with hla handkerchief. » "Mezzanine, " he muttered to the elevator boy He got off at the meaxanine Moor, made hla way to an unoccupied divan, and nank into it with a sigh. "A thousan' bucks. " he aald to himself "I gotta raise a thouarn bucks In the next half- hour— an right Uua minute I don't know where "Cheer up. " Smiling Jimmy said ' 111 do better by you than beans Where* Nina. Tony? " "We got • little furnished room over In the Fnrnch quarter. Tony explained "Hhes wait- ing there "What do you want to do? " Jimmy asked "Stick around here awhile, or—" I, ike to g*t back to New York. Florlo said We can get work out of there and— " "Sure. " aald Smiling Jimmy How much •re you goln to need to make thai? " "The fare's about 'slaty apiece. " Florlo said Then w* owe a couple of week* room rent, but that's only fourteen dollars ■ "... I Punched His Face for Him. and Then, of Course. He Had Me Pinched and Fined Fifty... »" I could get ao much aa ten without a platoL Baby! I got to think t". Colonel Allen town was a gambler-had been a gambler all hi* life In hla late sixties he was a man of millions, hla money m vested In stocks, bonds, and real e*tal* Not for more than twenty -five years had he personally dealt a card or spun a wheel or managed a crap table Not for ten ream had he even so much a* owned an Interest m a gambling houae, though In his day he had once owned the blg- gaat gambling houae in the country. He was dining alone in his hotel room when there came a rap on the door The colonel s secnMarv answered the: -A Mr "Wh»t makes you think Ty give It to you? " " Cause you know I'll pay you back, aald Jimmy. "How do I know that 7" "Don't you? " Jimmy countered. The colonel considered. "I believe you would, " he admitted. "You know I would. " aald Jimmy The colonel took a alp of coffee and stroked his chin. * Overboard? '" he asked. "Been overboard before, haven't you? " "Why didn't you come to me then7" "I wouldn't come to you now. If A. waa only me. " said Jimmy. "A pal o mlne'a In a Jam "You have to have two thousand for your pal? " "'One, " aald Jimmy. "You a*kcd for two" Tve got to pay you back. " Jimmy reminded him. "I need that extra grand to work with ' "Ever hear of me staking a man who came to me as you've done? " "No. sir. " "Think I'm going to give you two thousand dollars juat because you walk In here and aak me for It? " "Yes. air. " Colonel Allentown laughed soundleaaly. "Perry! he aald "Yea. " aald the secretary. "Oo down to the desk with thla young man and get him two thousand dollars " "Yea, air. " said the secretary. "Thanks. " said 8millng Jimmy. The Whining Kid stood with Smiling Jim- my, watching the tail-lights of the Crescent City Limited recede In the general direction of New York "Nice folks. " Smiling Jimmy said warmly "All right. " aald the Whining Kid "We won t fight about that Whal I want to know Ls when do we eat? " "Right away. " aald 8mlUng Jimmy. "That ls, If-" "If what? " the Whining Kid asked, alarmed "If you want to work for it. " Smiling Jimmy eiplalned Llaten to me cloae now. and don't be dumb about -what you hear " Order Dinner A HALF-HOUR later Smiling Jimmy and the Whining Kid walked Into the Heather Olen night club and ordered dinner With the entree came the proprietor Nate MontxrtefT. smiling hand extended "Well. Jimmy! " he aald hospitably "First ume I ve aeen you this Winter. Btlll picking winners. I suppose? " •Tier tin' my share" said Jlmmv modestly " Nate. I want you to meet a friend o' mine from up Baal- Sharkey Tyler This is Nate Mont- criefi. Bharkey. " The Heather Olenn proprietor and the Whining Kid shook hands Down here lor the racing? " Montcriefi asked "Mr Tyler s one of the beat known of the younger bookmakers around the Saetarfi tracks. Smiling Jimmy explained "So? " aald Montcrteff. Impressed Operat- ing here. Mr Tyler? " Not much, ' aald Smiling Jimmy, speaking for the Whining Kid "He a here on a vaca- tion, but o eouT** h* can t lay off altogether He take, a bet here an there fr«m people ha asked. Til lay him for you Two. four to five and one to three The track oddVU be leas. " Sure. " said Montcneff Two hundred to win. two hundred to ahow. " "Done. " aald the Whining Kid. and scribbled o memorandum. Montcrleff went away to salve other cus- tomers Smiling Jimmy and the Whining Kid went on with their meal. An Argument /~VER the coffee they got into an argument Their voice* rose as the verbal battle grew hotter Customers at the other tables be- came Interested. Suddenly Smiling Jimmy stood up and slapped the Whining Kid's face. The Whining Kid leaped to his feet and made a paas at Jimmy Nate Montcrleff stepped be- tween them. Jimmy! Jimmy! " Montcrleff begged "You two boys are friends. You don t want to fight " •Friend*! " the Whining Kid snarled, strug- gling to get at Jimmy "Just gimme one swipe at him. an* I'll bed him down in the morgue! " The waiters finally got them well apart. The Whining Kid Joined a nearby party, the mem- bers of which were glad to feed him drink* to learn what the row was about. Smiling Jim- my paid the^heck and left, vowing vengeance. Ill get him! " the Whining Kid declared loudly when Smiling Jimmy was gone "Tryln' tn tell me Colin was a greater horse than Man n wart i ll get him! " In the third race the next afternoon Hawaii Lad ran fourth In the evening the Whining Kid dropped in at the Heather Olenn and col- lected four hundred dollara from Nate Mont- crleff Also he laid him another race In the following day"* race, place and ahow The horse showed and again the Whining Kid and Nate adjusted their financial affairs, with a slight, profit to the former, and again Nate made a bet Also he Inquired ayer Smiling Don i mention that guy* nam* to me! " the Whining Kid snarled Working the Came P OR a week the Whining Kid vulted the Heather Olen Club each night, and each night he took a bet from Nate Montcriefi Sometime* he lost and sometimes he wen At. tne end of the week the balance waa' several hundred dollars in favor of the Whining Kid Jimmy had not been seen In the club alnce the nigh? of the fight Theu BQl evening. Smiling Jimmy dropped In alone Nate Montcrleff greeted him cefdUHy. "Where you been? ' he asked "Around. " said Jimmy "Your friend's been In every night ' "Friend! " Jimmy exclaimed bitterly. "Lieten. Nate, I know I introduced him to you. but I'm tetiin" you he's a wrong one " Hes into me for a few week. Nat* aald darkly ' He been lsytn you? " Jimmy Nate nodded Every day. for a bet or two. he said 1 haven i nad much luck " Jimmy leaned acre** the labia his eye. glowing Llaten. Nate-da aomethUr for me. will you? he aaked I know haw I can get at this sjuy. but you'll have to help ane " "Sure. " said Nale "What'a the play? " Jimmy ftahed out a roll of btlla "Flay a thousand for me with hun will you? ' ha asked Don f let him know It's from me you understand, or he wouMn l take It. He knows I can pick cm an he doesn't want any part o' ni> bettln' Just let on this 1* your own an' I 11 take him for a wad that 11 send him to the bank »lth a pick and shovel. Ill make him dl*' " Put your money up Nate aald "Me an Tyler bet the finger and settle ea^, night Suie. Ill play the thousand for you. What'a the horae? " "Dancing Demen. In the laat race tomor- row. Jimmy whispered "He'll be around ten or fifteen to one an' he can't loae. 1 happen to know somethln about that race It s one o' those things, sec? It a ell ribbed. There's only three horses in that race got a chance to trim the Demon, an' the Jocka on all of those three are greased They're gettln' plenty bet for em on the Demon, an' they're all three of 'em goln' to have a lot of bad luck, aee? I d have you bet moren a thousan" for me. but I'm afraid Tyler might amell somethln' an" refuae the bet. " Fifteen to One •'""PEN or fifteen to one and aure! " Nate gloated Listen. Jimmy, are you sure Tyler s good for that strong a take? He won't welch on us. will he? " "No. " said Jimmy poaitlvely *1 got to say for him that he pays Anyhow. Nate, you take this dough an' keep It to protect youreelf. " "Otv no. " aald Nate "If you aay he* good for it. he's good for It. a* far*a I'm concerned ' "Take It. " Jimmy Instated "T don't ask any- body to hold the bag for me Do you spose Tyler ll be in tonight? " Montcrleff nodded "Due any time. " he aald "I II slip along then. " Jimmy aald "Be bet- ter If he don't know I've been around. Olve him the works eaay now. Nate. Don't get him suspicious. " A half-hour later the Whining Kid appeared Nate Montcrleff paid him a hundred and eighty that he owed on the day's betting He oaten tacloualy studied a racing form for the following day "You've been knocking me off pretty regular. Mr Tyler. " he said "I'm well in the barrel on the week " "Thata the way It goes. " the Whining Kid aald philosophically "Up an' down. Flrat me an' then you. 1t even* up In the long run " "I'm aick of betting on these short -price horse*. " Montcrleff aald. "I need a long shot, to put me on top. " ^ "That's where you're wrong. " said the Whin- ing Kid. "Stay with the short-price solid horses an" you'll win In the end ' "That a your atory. " aald Montcrleff "I got a different tale Now, here's one I like In the laat race— the Dancing Demon " "A pig! " aald the Whining Kid scornfully I^ave that one for the suckers, Mr Mont crleff ' "I like him. Montcrleff said atubbomly "WhatU you give on him? " ""Let's have a look at that form. " the Whin- ing Kid said He glanced over the entries and made a grimace If you re bound to play thl* pig. I might a* well have your dough as leave some other goof to take It. " he said TU lay you fifteen to one on him. " "Ill take a thousand at that price " Mont- crleff said, trying to make hla voice sound casual. "A grand? " the Whining Kid aald. surprised "I heard you'd 'fake any amount. " Mont- crleff said, sneering "Heard you never get seared. " „ •Scared! " aald the Whining Kid "Of Dane - In" Demon? Bay. fella. I'm tryln to let you dawn easy I" " i m of age. " Montcrleff aald what about 1(7 Want to take some more on the Dtachaf Demon? " * "Sure! " said the Whining Kid nastily "Take two thousand more? " Montcrleff ajkad with a quaver In hi* voice. "Like a baby take* milk. " the Whining Kid agreed. "Two thouaan? That your limit? " Make it five more. ahaking "Six In all " Done. " aaid the Whining Kid. making a further W, Pastes Good eu t MonrrhrlefT tot Smiling Jlmmv *n the HEN the Whining Kid had departed. phone and told him the newa "Oh great! " aald Jimmy Joyfully "Landed for five grand of your own in addition to my thouaan? Didn't think h*'d fall for that rnuah You didn't let him know I waa in on it. did you? "' "Oh. no. sure not. " Montcrleff aaid -a' said Jimmy "Listen. Nat* *ne thing Don? 'ell anyone about this h«r«e Keep it dark I ve sent away two thouaand to be bet for me in poolroom* all over the coun-;r A little here an' a lltUe there, yen know Takin the track odd*. The stable's bettln H that way. too. Not puttln anything inta the machines here. If the newa got out here Hi town, the boy* might bet plenty an hammer the odd* down on u* Keep it to yourself, will you? " "Sure. Nate promised Ab**lut*ly. " N*te Montcrleff kept hi* promt** for at least i*n minute* after It waa made Then a frtead of hla dropped in. and he gave the war* || him under pledge of jjve strict eat secret and the promise not to bet more man a The friend went forth and gave it to twenty others, and the-- ne up u scores more By post time the fallowing dgy ip on Dancing Demon waa about ad secret as the name of the reigning king of Wt0St4t After the running of the seecsad race, eHsuJ- lng Jimmy located Montcrleff Uaten. Nat* you didn't spill thl* Dancing Demon thing to anybody, did you? " kg, No. Nate lied Dldn t tall a aoul. "Somebody's squawked. " Jimmy aald "The tip » - everybody* got it im afraid they 11 hammer the odd* down on us We fret, said Nat* -We got ours laid with Tyler *t fit lean tor ee** Yen. but I m takin' the Bgd« add* fat Msg thouaan' out through the eeuntrv MsHf fsV minded him That ifeBgjt t »od)-* Ihe flrat odd* the mwming spprestl- of the leaf race. Dancing | 'Continued on Newt Till- DAILY COLONIST, VICTORIA, B C. S? NPAV, SEPTEMBER 15, 1929 "JfcwT Talk Disappears Under Treatment Like This HPHia u a »tary of an ordinary action that 1 n»* had tremendous and far reaching re- ault* H k » «tory «f Pew a foreign C NR toad foreman and His Honor the ( t teneral ol Canada, Viscount W iiluii'im, Pete Uvea in a desolate section of Northern Ontario. QB the outer rim of rlvtiiaation. arid he inspect, one of the lonelier sections of tht transcontinental rail* a-, Pete ls also about the proud eat man In t he- north country If you talk to him for two minute* he wlU off and tail you of hla great achleve- hla cheat wells with pride he fairly radiates In hi/* gior. "When I came here. " ha will tell you In hla broken English, this line wasn t fit for a freight train No one could ride over It In omfort Now look at It. The beat 'he est, the finest seven miles of line in the try Who did It? Why. Pete did It. " Most of the men whom Pete aesoclates with are foreigners, many are as poor as It U poa- • •ble for humans to be. and Just live from day to day At heart they have been Bolshevik*— my person who Uvea In the city ls a capitalist, is king and using their money. As they walk miles snd miles to town or to Mil a neighbor a train may whtxa by; many of the seat* are empty. In their uneducated minds they reason that they might fill those seats for a few miles. The train has to run anyway; It wouldn't coat any more to have them there. Why shouldn't they ride? They openly discuss their antagonism to - capitalists"; that is. all except Pete— he Is too busy boasting about his line Special Inspection *T~HEN last year the word was sent along the line that Oovernor-Oeneral WUlingdon was to go West 8 pec la) inspections were made of In due course the Oovernor-Oeneral began hi* trip West In due course the train stopped *t a water tower to refuel. By coincidence It stopped on Pete's section Of the road. By coincidence Pete was along- side the train and Viscount WUlingdon was standing on the rear platform Bo the Oovernor-Oeneral apoke to the for- e'gn workman who was standing beside the rraln As he was there over two minutes he heard of Pete'a achievement "Look. " he was told, the freight couldn't pass here decently before Now look who travels over the section that I made— the biggest man in Canads This took quite a while; then the train pulled away. At the next station the special t-aln passed s little white out of the It was addressed to the foreman of that tion of the road, so It was opened The envelope contained a note written at the direction of the Oovernor-Oeneral ex- pressing his personal appreciation of the con- dition of that particular section of the road At first It was thought that these had been dropped off at all stations. That was not so The letter was for Pete and Pete only. A Joy for Ever PRJED 81otnan. the provincial official in charge of the traveling school that visits the outlying sections of the province to teach 'he few children thst live there, was shown •he letter He had a copy made; It was framed and placed In the car At night when the workmen and trappers snd the other few residents gathered to dis- cuss thair general feeling they noticed this - ■ all along the line visited by the trav- eling school and Fred Slnman the story was told of Pete and the Viscount Their attitude began to change towards the Oovernor-Oeneral. No longer was the Com- munist tone present in their conversations surlier this year word was flashed along the line that the Oovernor-Oeneral was going. West again. This time there was no grumbling The men were proud to prepare for his visit One of the men who had ei pressed his Bol- shevik tendencies In the loudest and proudest tones approached Fred Sloman and said. Here take my flag, ftj it for this man " The flag was one of his most prised poase*- 8© In due course the Oovernor-Oeneral went West Although he never noticed It, all along this section of the line the men turned out and waved at his train at Is passed, Perhapa they would be two or three or five miles apart There may have been two or three together or Just one. but they were along the line when he went by. There he toes. " they said, "our friend ' Chile an0 how to give a guy an tear told you don 1 Tribute Paid tO Dame Millieent IdmetTs Memory P)AME Mllllcent Fawcett who died In Eng- land recently at a good old ag* *a* a leader, a gift which comes at rare intervals into the affairs of mankind, aaya a writer in The Time*- 8ome think that leadership Is thrown up from some great cause, others Hums that the leaders create the enthuslaam for the idea. We only know that ability, or birth, still less affluence or rank, has nothing to do with the quality We all know it when we *ee u. and "a born leader" la a saying. Olfted with r strong constitution and Iron energy. Mrs Fawcett has told the tale of the years In her intensely vital and happy book, "What I Re- member. " Humor twinkle* like the light in her eyes from beginning to end of this work. All will rejoice In the anecdote of what early turned her feet Into the path of the freedom for women A servant had stolen the purse of Mrs. Fawcett, then a young married woman She charged the servant with the theft, and heard the charge sheet read aloud. "Stealing from the person of Mllllcent Fawcett a purse containing money, the property of Henrv Fawcett. " Mrs Fawcett comment* "I felt that I had been charged with theft myself. " The book ls full of humorous and poimed illustrations; that was one of the gift* she had In speaking Of the hundreds of speeches I have heard her make, even on this limited subject. I never heard her repeat herself, nor did she ever tell the same tale She had a knack of finding illustrations In the most out- of-the-way corners Her voice was not her strong point; had it been of a better quality she would have been in the nrst rank; but it wa* the close reasoning and the sense of good- humored pertinacity which convinced her hearers. Courage she had in every matter, every good leader must poaaaaa that first at- tribute. An Inflexible will was another. I wa* once requested by the then Prime Minister to deflect her attitude towards the public life of a politician It waa of real Importance that 'aa a ttit ude s ho^ i M be sjbjfcsj sjal I aaid X would do hi* will, but "prepare at once for my fail- ure; nothing will alter her resolution, and what la more she will carry her point In the way she ha* indicated " I did my beat, be- cause I was against her particular view. I failed, and Mrs. Fawcett succeeded in the way I had predicted She also Inspired confidence and devotion She was no gushing female. Rarely praised 1 never saw her discouraged or out of temper. We. her disciples, also adored her. and loved her good comradeship. Women celebrated her seventieth birthday, and once we gave her a Jewel. Only on such occasions did we realtxe what a depth of emotion lay hidden under her brightness, and moat ardently did we all hope she would live to see the new day It has been granted with the fullness of years Few pioneers have seen the splendor of the dawn- ing day a* it has been hers to see It. There is not any citizen today who doe* not feel that he or she 1* the richer for the memory and ln»plratlon of Dame Mllllcent Fawcett. Hindu Seeks to Better Canada-East Indies Understanding T OWADAY8 Kartar Singh has his hair every three week* and the fact excites not the slightest comment. Eighteen years ago. however, the same simple operation caused a tremendous sensation among the 6. 000 Sikhs who had recently come to eatabllah themselves In British Columbia, for Kartar Singh, then only twenty-two. waa the first militant Sikh to abandon long hair and discard the turban In favor of occidental styles The custom has since become general among his countrymen but tht Innovator had to suffer many Insults for daring to break hla baptismal pledges loday Kartar 81ngh ls publishing In Vancou- ver a pretentious magaalne. In English and Punjabi, which alms to be a Journal of inter- pretation and information as between India and Canada, this being the culmination of an ambition he formed when first he came here a* a priest to his people, whose history In the Dominion he I* also engaged in writing Fif- teen years of Kartar Singh's life In Canada hare been spent In Toronto and Ontario, where his experiences ranged all the way from snow shoveller to office manager He I* self taught as to English, which he writes with ease and force and speak* with facility and hardly any accent 1 1 is hi* ambition to see a better reiaiionahlp eetabllahed between East Indians and Canadians, and hla contention that the But ha and Hindus can be aaalmtlated ls to M*ne extent borne out by the history of the past twenty years Organization of Soviet Youth Shows World- Wide Losses CrATiencS published In Moscow by the International Communist Youth Organisa- tion show that during the past year the move- ment ha* failed to make the progress expect- ed by the control organisation Membership of the Konuotnel. the Communist Youth League of the Soviet Union, has not yet paaaed the 100. 000 mark. whUe In other countries the membership stand* a* follows Oermany 22. France 9. 000 * re pre* anting a der r of a* much as 2. 500) Czechoslovakia 9. 000. Norway 2J00 and the United States 3. 600. No detail* are given concerning membership In iritein. although it Is stated that last Just after winning the heavyweight pionehip. Own* Tunney wa* strolling chat with a little girl who waa playing on the sand They became quite friendly and when he walked on she walked with him she said. Til have to go home noi Sculptor — "My last effort wi Fight Promoter— 1 Well, ao let* not b* a bust. '' mm*, but walking with Oene "And wnon your folks aak where tSjsf answered the ehtld. "tall em you THE DAILY COLONIST, VICTORIA. RC SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 1929 How Canadian Artist Won New York's Approval I! Ml a ay back 68 '905 that a sixteen year -old Canadian boy "earned the chain" on a certain survey in North Ontario He MM a nice youngster to have on the party but not any too "husky" for the job. Whan ha Joined the party he looked half-starved There was an excellent reaaon (or hts looking Just that way. he was half-starved and had been that way for close on • year The boy of whom I speak Joined that survey party because the chance to earn some money looked rather good to him He didn't look forward to finding anything beyond hard work and the wherewithal to buy food. As he tells It today he felt that life had "licked" him. The dream of an artistic boy s soul had taken on the most destructive qualities of a horrible nightmare. For a year past his mind had been filled with what seemed a hopeless struggle — that of competing, untrained and poor, with a world full of art students (with opportunities for study st home snd abroad*; and. later, should he be victorious In the fight to achieve some training, competing with the most famous and highly trained artists of the world st large It Is impossible, of course, to say how largely the fact that the poor youngster was everlastingly hungry had to do with the fact that ha admitted himself defeated before •he fight was well begun. However, the boy found something beyond hard work and his pay in that Summer at home in Canada. Perhaps It was the plenti- ful food and the fresh air which so speedily gave htm back the lost boy vitality His de- feated young artist soul, however, needed something more then that— and found It. so he says There was something In the Canadian forests snd streams and sparkling lskes and the glorious sunshine which reawakened the artistic hunger to create The boy was soon spending every spare minute in making sketches of his boss and the camp cook, end the other chaps and of hunters and trappers In their canoes or tramping the trail, and of Indians and their squaws, and of old mother nature, the nearest and dearest of ■Ul He knew that his sketches were poor things— amateur lah and crude— not a bit like the beautiful things which his eyes and his heart saw In the forests, but he had a feeling that. If he Just kept or trying, his fingers would some day find the trick of doing those pictures justice. W Success in Exile HEN this point of view had presented Itself to him quite clearly the boy < as he tells it today), awoke one morning to the realization that he was not licked after all and that he wasn't going to be licked when the referee gave the final decision He knew this because he had gTown willing to face the fight again and to take ail the "punlshment"- hloas and the scars which fate had waiting for Mm regardless of ho* much thev hurt As i aay that was m liH)b In the State of Connecticut near the town of Westport there la a very beautiful old! "use which dates bark to before revolutionary' days It la a lovely home and, in bringing tt up to date In the matter <•/ plumbing and lighting the artist -owner and hi* wife have «anr1ficed none of Its old time charm Way up the hill from the house Is built a beautiful studio where s distinguished artist achieves work which finds its way all over this continent, the British Isles and Continental Europe. It wss only a month or so ago that, in this studio, the famous maker of exquisite etchings, rummaged through an old box of books and sketches which he had had sent on from Can- ada to his home in Connecticut lie chuckled as he came across the sketches which he had made as a boy on that surveying trip twenty - three years ago He smiled a bit om their crudity, but he was carried back to the mood of high courage which had come to him that Summer of long ago and the realization burst upon him that be had gained something at home in Canada that time without which fame and prosperity would never have been his. Now -many Canadian artists and writers and others, in past days when Canada was leas prosperous than now. have of necessity left their homeland to find opportunity "across the line" The successful ones are generally hailed as "Americans" and they let it go at that, for the reason that they feel they owe a treat debt of gratitude to the land which gave them opportunity denied them at home But — opportunity isn't everything for one who has won the grim fight and has achieved fame, many have gone down to de- feat as nonentities In the public esteem This man tells me that he might have— probably would have been one of the letter If he had not gone home exhausted with the struggle, with faith gone, licked, and there found re- newed bodily vigor, renewed faith, renewed courage Yes. Harold Kerr Eby is Canadian ail right, slthough he was born and spent his babyhood In Jspan. He was bom in ISM when his father. Dr. 8 Eby. Methodist - missionary from Canada, was stationed at Toklo. As Is Ihe fate of Methodist parsons. Dr Eby and his family did not stay long in any one place, even after their return to Canada, when young Harold Kerr Eby was two years old. The youngster's boyhood was spent in Vancouver. Kingston. Toronto and Brarebrldge It was In Vancouver, when he was six years old. that the child established contact with an "artist. " This Indlvidusl was an old one-legged sailor who lived In a little shack down by the sea and made a humble Jiving by painting ships on clam shells for the decoration of the purchee- Eby aged six. wor- ahlped humbly at the foot of the creative artist! The sailor was a taciturn old chap, he took no particular interest in the little boy who be- came his abject slave, carried his water from a nearby spring, gathered driftwood along the shore for hla fires— and stood at his shoulder and breathed deeply in his ear as the old cur- mudgeon painted taut riggings and billowing ssUs and angry seas The funny little boy was many a time heaved bodily out of the door on to the sandy beach, but back he would come with various offerings to conciliate his Idol— one of them being one of his father's best pair of boots "He was only six. remember, snd had not yet learned the sacredness of private boots and other property. ; Kerr Eby's father and mother, while strongly disapproving of the boot episode: and expres- sing their disapproval In a way to make the episode well remembered, were, nevertheless much interested in the child's attempts to emulate the art of his hero. They gave him a box of paints and It was with their blessing that he set out to create pictures. Eby A Printer'* ''/save'iT* y7HEN Kerr Eby was a boy or twelve the family was in Toronto, and it was then that he became possessed of a very large sum of money One dollar and fifty cents! It was a Christmas present. The investment of this fortune was interesting. A neighboring little girl, not much older than he. was more for- tunate than he In that she was already at- tending art school Finally, backed by one fifty, he entered upon his first academic training as an artist under her tuition to the tune of twenty-five cents a lesson. This enterprising little girl had a class In drawing which consisted of half k dozen other children 'It Is a curious fact that she. Helen Williams, now a distinguished and highly pros- perous interior decorator in New York, has her country home In Connecticut Just half a mile from Kerr Eby's place. ) It was shortly after this that Dr. Eby was moved by the Methodist powers-to-be to Brarebrldge, Ont Dr. and Mrs. Eby took very seriously the talents of their young hope- ful snd It a keen regret to them that a minister s salary didn t run lo sending the boy away to art school However. Kerr was an independent and self-reliant youngster He left school and pips' u> work as a "printers devil" on a Bracebrldge paper Today he has forgotten the name of the paper but remem- bers a Mi Bastedo as his much admired boas. By the simple process of doing without all the things which boys like to have, and so saving his wages. Kerr Eby. by the time he was fifteen, had put by enough money to take him to New York. His idea was that he should study, and. by the way. make his living Pilled with courage and a sense of high aflventure. he arrived on a night of pouring rain In the great strange city He walked Pmi i-nnners A 8 Kerr Eby became one of the finest and moat successful Illustrators In New York, yet another ambition came to him He had always been Interested in line, rather than in color He wanted to be an etcher When this idea first appealed to him he couldn't afford fo study with the great masters, so he studied their books on etching instead, and he experimented for years with an etching press and the copper plates Through year-, of study, of experiment, of oft-discouraging experience, Kerr Eby. felt his way to a tech- nique which has. as we all know, made him one of the most famous makers of etchings in the world today. Before the war. now a celebrated illustrator, had not achieved one single etch- lag which he cared to exhibit, yet he had been quietly working in all hi* spare time, for years With the war the artist enlisted, and a-aa put into the camouflage section with the artillery He saw real war at first hand, and hla was no "bombproof Job I " » Even so. when he was not camouflaging the big guns, he was drawing and sending home sketches of "battle, murder and sudden death! " Bursting shells, and aeroplanes, and always the gunners and the guns! After the Armistice, the artist could hardly wait to get back to hut studio and his sketches and hts etching press Somehow, the thing which he had been striving for. for so long, seemed to be waiting for him there, for the etchings made from the war sketches had that quality for which he had been groping for yeare. He gave an exhibition hi New York at the famous Frederick Keppel galleries (and it a triumph Indeed to have those galleries accept work for an exhibition > and. practically ovemlght, the distinguished Illustrator became the famous maker of etchings! "You ask If I still love Canada f" said H. Kerr Eby earnestly. "You bet I do! Oh. my heart Is mighty tender toward Canada! Like so many other youngsters of those days It was a real necessity that I go afield for oppor- tunity and to earn my bread and butter But I have no quarrel with my homeland upon that score. Only a civilization considerably richer than Canada was then can afford to develop Its own art by giving a living wage to aspiring young artists But if the Canada of twenty-and-more yean ago could not give me opportunity, it could and did give me some- thing which was. perhaps, a greater thing "My country's beauty; the peace of her forests, the courage of her tradition took in hand a boy who. far from home, admitted him- self licked, and renewed his faith that the Joy of achievement Is the reward of courage How Europe Handles Crime and Criminals With «rl and covered pail. The men's hair Is closely cropped, and they wear grey-brown prison clothes The women wear a white cotton cap, jacket and skirt The inventory includes an earthenware Jug for water, tin drinking cup and food dish Recent additions are a plate, spoon, fork and knife, all handed back after use. together with utensils supplied the prison- ers for cleaning their cells dally In Winter they get up at 7 90. In Summer at 7 Lights go out at 9 At present each prisoner receives In the morning a half litre of:klmmed milk (the woman get a similar ouentity of full milk i breed. Once a week soup Is given, a piece of meat in it. and once a week boiled bacon with peas or beans. The usual Winter food Is some kind of hot-pot. but In the Summer potatoes, vegetables and gravy are given separately Fish Is Included in the menus, prescribed by the Department of Justice. Formerly the food was not quite enough to satisfy hunger, and prisoners had to buy extra food In the canteen Now the doctors have calculated exactly the number of calories for sufficient nourishment, and the canteen supplies extras only, such ss butter, margarine, sugar, cheese, bacon, herring, fruit, tea. chocolate and tobacco, for In most prisons now men may smoke on certain days, sometimes every day. They pay for these extra rations out of the pay for their work, for everyone must work. The Work in Prison '"THE prisons are equipped tor special kinds of work All competition with private industry is avoided, as all the work Is ex- clusively for Government service Those who know no kind of handwork are taught tailoring or sewing. Well-educated persons become clerks, or work In the libraries All prisoners are allowed books Chaplains and religious instructors of every creed visit the prisoners regularly. The pay varies from ten to thirty -five i Dutch) cents a day (one US cent Is equal to two and one-half Dutch cental. Half is put aside for the prisoner on hla release, the other half he uses as he likes, at the canteen, for postage, or his relations. Many prisoners look upon Sundays as the worst day of the week, for no work may be done then The prisoners attend service, write letters, read, or do nothing Of late yean a certain liberty has been admitted In the s optica tton of some privileges and the degree with which this Is spoiled gj counts for the noticeable differences in the regime of various prisons In some the dis- cipline is benevolent, even friendly, and In others It Is based strictly on rules and regula- tions. Individual attitude of the officials counts for much Among the privileges one may mention per- mission to prisoners to mitigate the severity of their cells by the presence of one or two plants, whose growth depends greatly on the amount of sun light reaching the cell Here snd there one may find some poor bird suffer- ing a double confinement, but providing com- fort and cheer- at the same time A email aquarium li another favorite possession As a privilege prisoners are allowed to fix ptoture postcards they receive to their and prints or drawings of their own Ms la generally only to be in a dark courtyard where each one steps to and fro in his own sector unseen by the others Scarcely ever are there trees or plants in thaae yards prisoners to Join a choir, and they give per- formances In the chapel now and then, but each singer sits in his own eell-llke seat, see- ing the choirmaster pnly. In the chapel oc- casional entertainments are given, such as lectures snd magic-lantern shows Of greater Influence on the eharacter and future of the prisoners, however, are rescue work and after-care. The men and women who devote themselves to this visit the prison- ers in their cells There are conditional sentences whereby misdemeanants are at liberty on probation, and are under supervision of rescue work officials for three years, dependent on their own efforts to lead an honest life. The con- ditional release of well-behaved prisoners after they have served three-quarters of their time Is also permitted There are several societies and institutions devoted lo rescue work Criminality in the. Nether lands, as reflected In the figures regarding convictions, has been greatly decreasing of Iste. In 1907 the number in prisons snd similar plsres was 57. There were 16, 900 in 1826. with the result that many cells are empty and some prisons have been closed The percentage of recidivists In proportion to the total number of convicted prisoners Is not so satisfactory In 1926 It was 419 per cent In 1906 and 1906 It was 44 per cent: In 1901. 396 per cent The lowest figure was in 1618. 28. 7 per cent, and since then the highest was 42 A per cent. In 1822 It would seem, therefore, that the, cellular system does not exercise a greatly deterrent effect. Tiros a Bit Thick A VIS Phillips, the young Canadian soprano whose New York achievements are noteworthy, met with a unique experience while doing concert work in Ontario about a Phillips, it might be well to somewhat along the lines of a or In other words, la pleas- antly plump, as a great many singers are She was singing this evening In one of our baby cities frequently referred to as the "Scotch town. " In Introducing her. the chairman en- larged -oh. how apt the word "enlarged upon the fact that the singer was a native Canadian In -fact, " he concluded with an eto- quent gesture, in fact she's all wool and a r He Owned It who had not life died, and went below As soon as he got to the nether regions he began to give orders for changing the position of the furnaces, and started bowsing the imps around One of there reported to Satan how the new- eomer was acting -Bare, " said Satan to It to me whOe I was - said the men I was on earth ' Senator Borah Appeals To One Section of gENATOR BORAH of Idaho seems to be one of those half -mysterious characters who maintain themselves in power by striking the strident national note and adopting a sus- picious sttltude toward* the scheming foreign- ers who might conceivably rob or corrupt that benevolent old gentleman known as Uncle Ham By adopting thU attitude Borah has undoubtedly wop the support of a large body cf fJnlted 8tates opinion. It Is net the moat enlightened opinion, to be sure, but It is pow- erful Borah does not rise much above this rather ingrown school of thought He has n-ver been accused of being brilliant He la not even a good debater In an assembly— the United States Congress — which, according to Its own critics, is noted for the crudene** and dullness of its debs tea He does not attract friends, and he is completely Insular In his mind not having familiarised himself with the European countries which he discusses so frequently. That he is an opportunist is shown very clearly by his attitude towards Hoover Not very long ago he denounced Hoover in real Midwestern style; he accused Hoover of every crime In the political decalogue. But It suited him to support Hoover for the presidency and he campaigned for him in Virginia, telling the people there what a fine fellow Hoover was. He gets away with barefaced Inconsistencies like that because he has learned to trim his sails to suit public opinion He can talk for a section of the public of the United States, he could never lead the people of the republic. Author's Kindly Deed Fell on Fallon Ground A UTOORAPH hunters are far from popular with successful authors, but it Is often hard to escape them. Ernest Raymond, the English author of Tell England regarded by many competent critics as the best war story and the most likely to achieve permanent fame, has had more thin his fair share of bother with auto- gTsphlends. as he calls them. Whenever he an enthusiast bearing down on him with in one hand and a fountain pen In the other, he looks for a way of escape, usually Then he submits with the grace snd signs his name with a flourish There was one occasion, however, when it was otherwise Mr Raymond hsd seme slight favor from a comparative to repay this by presenting the with a copy of one of his hooka Peeling positive he would be asked to auto- graph this he scribbled his name on the fly sheet before tendering the gift The recipient accepted the book with thanks, and nipped back the cover His eye fell on the autograph, and he frowned I wonder. Mr Raymond, he said whether you couldn't give ana a Instead of this one R looks sort of end hand with your name in It'" Russian Tradition Explained A Mlsterr of Ruaala Bt * rraaa. London MlUord. rraia T N his preface to this Interesting book Pro- ^ feasor Rostovtxeff points out the peculiar contribution it makes to our understand- ing of Russian history, including its latest phases. For the first time, he says, it shows the links which connect the Russian Revolu- tion with the past, and he rlghUy describes as particularly valuable Mr Vernadekys at- tempt to give due weight to the Oriental af- finities of the Russian people Por centuries, during her early history. Russia formed part of powerful Asiatic empires, Mongolian and Iranian; she still occupies territorially a large part of Asia; and, though she haa succeeded in partly absorbing or partly Europeanixing many Asiatic tribes, the reciprocal Influence of these tribes on her own peculiar develop- ment is a factor not to be neglected. Autocracy, for Instance, according to Mr Vemadsky. was a legacy or the Tatar domina- tion; it was no part of the system established by the Veranglan princes of the house of Rurik. whicft was of the early Teutonic type. The policy of the Tsars of Muscovy was inspired partly by Mongolian, partly by Byaantlne tra- ditions, and reached Its supreme embodiment in Irsn the Terrible, who. In 1564. destroyed the nobles by a series of wholesale executions and confiscations, and created a new official class, the oprichnlks. bound to the throne by ties of self-interest This was a precedent followed, consciously or unconsciously, by the Bolshevista when they extermlnsted Ihe bour- geois snd based their power on the Communist Party, which Includes only one per cent of the adult population The time of troubles which followed the death of Tsar Pedor. with- out hews, provided another analogy, Mr Vemadsky compares the formidable rising of the peasants and slaves, to exterminate the rich, with the movement of 1817. The 16th century provided fresh precedents Under Peter the Oreat the system of autocracy was perfected and. psrtly for fiscal, partly for military reasons, the division between the was widened and fixed. State Socialism the order of the day. and the serfs, who had hitherto been bound to the land but not the landowners, were reduced to the level of sieves This produced another Socialistic experlment-the military colonies" of Alex- ander I -the object of which was to free the Oovernment from dependence on the land- owners in the matter of recruiting * Mr Ver- nadsky compares this with the system of militarised labor Introduced by the Bolshe- vists into the coaimines and with the made In 1920 to organise military oommunes The decree of January. 1920. in- deed, he says, assimilated the Soviet economic system to the State economy of Russia before the reforms of Alexander IT. "'he whole popu- lation was now equalised at the level of the peasants and workmen assigned to the State factories in the eighteenth century end first half of the nineteenth centuries In Industry he saya may be pared to an inferior form of the system advo- cated by Count Wltte. and In peasant agri- culture to the regime of Imperial Russia prior to Stolyplns reforms. As for the Soviet system Itself, this, he says. Is but s screen for the real rulers of Russia, tha Communist Party, which "as the real Oovernment class of Soviet Russia. Is similar to the nobility during the eighteenth and first half of the nineteenth century " In abort, the old autocratic Tear- dom has merely been put Into commission The Russian tradition persists These few example* out of many, may illus- trate the peculiar value of this book The earlier history of Russia occupies a compsrs- tlvely email, space In It. the last seven chap- ter. * being devoted to developments since the Revolution of 1617. Vemadsky tells us that he has aimed at writing in a strictly scientific spirit, and he has succeeded In this aim His restraint is. Indeed, amaxlng The horrors of the "Red Terror ere dismissed Ui a couple of paragraphs, and the story of the Revolution and the civil war that followed might have been written by an Impartial on- looker—The Times Madame Jeanne Vusseau Sang Contralto With Soprano Voice V r HEN Madame Jeanne Dusaeeu. Canadian soprano, was a fair -haired girl In her teens, living In Canada, an undlscetnlng lis- tener once labelled her a contralto. The label persisted, until a wise mother, listening dally to the lyric voice of her daughter soaring up cn notes of breath-taking loveliness, had a firm conviction that if ater a voice was so- prano, her daughter's was. To prove her conviction, an appointment was made with Atherton Furlong, formerly of London. England, whose studio was a Mecca to which all vocal aeptrante were attracted Reminiscences cf one who Is s friend of long standing, and who was present during the ap- pointment include the memory of whet took place that afternoon Testing voices was an every day Purtong swung slowly round In his chair, a smile on his face. "You may or you may no* believe me. " he eeld. "but you haven t a con- tralto note in your voice Today Madame Dusaeau fits easily Into her niche high up among Canada's famous artists Although Scotland la claimed as her birth- place Canada has been her homeland stnee she was five years old. and as a Canadian haeeeau Is keenly alive to Canada s I ties in the musical world. In little old French Tillages on sea comet, ta out-of-the- way settlement* ahe feels that a weaHh of folk songs and traditional melodies is waiting for the day when Its discovery wfli thrust Canada foremost in the ranks Of rich in THK D A ILY /KTuRIA. SUNDA Y. SEFTF. N — CHILDR Lament of a Big Sensitive Girl WONDER If In all this big world snyone could be more miserable than I You see it's Just because I'm fat -now please don't laugh, for I am deadly In earnest Oh, no one can realize what a "fat" girt haa to put up with. And It isn't as If I was always fat— oh. no? Just one short year ago I was aa and dainty as anyone- but oh my! What do you think happened? Last July I was returning from a "shopping tour" down town and as I live only about a mile and a half from Spencer's I had dectded to walk Well, that was a terrible decision lor, oh my. something terrible happened While crossing a noisy street I was knocked down Yes, ' knocked down and seriously tn- jured-of course. I was rushed to the hospital immediately and compelled to stay there, lying on the broad of my back for two whole months- but that wasnt all or nearly the worst, for. after at last recovering, I -oh. I did something dreadful! I started to put on you say. that's quite to do But oh. boys and girls. I kept on putting on flesh Before I went into the hoapltal I weighed ninety-three pounds, which was the average weight for one ol my years, but. when I started back to school in September, my weight was one hundred and thirty-five pound*— would you believe it? Oh. boys and glrla. yoo cannot imagine what tor- tures I endured Not a day. not an hour in nc/nt my oeing suojecica w **" moat sarcastic taunts. I was nicknamed Fleshy. " Fleshy, mind you! Oh. what a dreadful, dreadful word! How I hated it * Many and many the night I have bathed my pillow in tears— tears of humiliation, mortifi- cation and self-pity But that was not all- oh. no! Before my accident I had been*preal- dent of a little girl*' club— my. what fun we used to have! — parties, hikes, games, sports. But the girls refused to hsve me for their president, or Indeed even as a common mem- ber "Oh. " they often said, "we don't want to have a great fat thing like you In our little club-go away. " Oh. boys and girls, you can- not Imagine how that hurt me— cut through my heart like a sharp knife. To think that "Ylikon, Land of the Klondike" THIS Is the title of a handsome Uttle book Issued by the Department of the Interior cf the Government of Csnada. The author Is F H Kltto. Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, formerly Director of the Yukon Sur- vey. The Minister of the Interior, Hon. Charles Stewart, has written a ahort but graphic preface. Government publications used to be called Blue Books and were not easy to read, but this pamphlet la neither blue nor dull It contains maps and pictures of British Colum- bia's northern neighbor, and the descriptions and comments show that the writer knows loves the country of which he tells The book should be In every school. If not in every elassroom Children of all ages will be delighted with the pictures from the first of a prospector washing gold with a pan. to the laat, showing a woman feeding wild geese. To older people there are many reminders of a story of the North In which relatives and friends and. perhaps, they themselves have had a part The tourist or would-be tourist will find in the forty-four pages an excellent guide book The narrative begins with a description of the Inside Passage from Vancouver. Victoria or Seattle to Skagwey and goes on to tell of the Whits Pass snd Yukon Railway. In this section we read: "Log Cabin was at one time a stirring town, the first established community to be encoun- tered on the Canadian side of the line. The country in Its vicinity abounds In big game- moose, caribou, grlarJy bear, mountain shee P> snd goaU. "As the train steams North from Log Csbin st an increased speed on a downward grade the traveler realties that he is approaching the land of the Klondike every mile la full of interest; every Utile station has a history. Lake Undeman can be seen from the train about seven miles beyond Log Cabin It lies to the west of the railway The head of this lake was the terminus of the old Chllkoot Pass trail which was used by great number* of the early gold seekers before the White Pass trail supplanted M. The great anowallde that burled so many climbers occurred on the ChUkoot Pass trail ' Here are pictures of mining days thirty year* ago and now "The original miners delved for gold with picks and shovels and washed out their *pay dirt" In rockers or sluices They thawed the froeen ground by aeod fires and hoisted the gravel from the bottom of shafts to the surface by hand operated windlasses. As the aeope of opera- tions Increased • scientific- and large scale methods of mining were Introduced Thou- of tons of machinery were hauled Into snd flumes were miles In length Hydro-electric powerhouses and transmission lines were ereeted capable of mining mors ground in a day than a doaen men could In a >ear " The silver fields of Mayo and RJno are -; Fart*- has figure* the skilful teacher will know how to handle and the natural reeeureee are enumerated. While, however. It U interesting for Van- couver Island children to learn all they ean about this Northern part of Oeneda. they will gg gled to my own ma! Well, the days and weeks flew by., u i „ nir. Bufcgfgoi Mpjsj s round Then I felt my keenest sorrow. How it hurt me to see my former chums and friends planning, chatting, shopping, whispering to- gether of parties, presents and of the Christ- mas tree and concert — of course I wasn't al- lowed, wasn't even asked to take part In the coming festivities, formerly 1 had taken an active part In all. being pretty and pSpular- but now I weighed one hundred and flfty-two and was truly s monster— I am naturally rather short, and this dreadful fatness made me appear much more so. It wasn't only at school I suffered, oh no! It was even worse at home Mother and Dad expected me tq do twice as much work now that I was so fat— when Mother asked my sisters to do snythlng they would usually say. "Make that big fat lump do It; work Is good for her; she doesn't do enough, that's why she's so fat" Cruel, cruel speech, as If one can stop one's fatness no matter how one works. I know, for I've tried it— often I've come In covered with perspiration, but oh dear. It only Increases my fatness I've tried dieting too—often al- most starving myself, but all in vain. It's (rotten so 'bad I hate to leave my home — for even on the street car and sidewalk I hear smothered laughter and sometimes catch fin- gers pointing at me. saying laughingly, lent she a whopper! 1 ' They think I cant hear or see. 1 suppose, but dear knows my hearing and observation have been quickened tenfold since my affliction — for to me It is an afflic- tion. I am getting dally more sensitive and ielf-consclous I sit for hours staring sadly out of my window, watching my gay play- mates rushing Joyously about Sometimes I think life is very hard and unfair and bitter Anyway I hope my sad little tale will give some of those thoughtless boys and girls a little Idea of the cruel pain and heartache I hey give to their unfortunate companion— the fat person. EDNA MIC KELSON. 53ft Cralgflower Road. Victoria. C. The Butterfly Game I WILL now describe a game that gave An- 1 tolnette and me the greatest pleasure dur- ing these two delicious Summers. We pretended to be two caterpillars, and we would creep along the ground upon our stom- achs and our knees, and hunt for leaves to eat. After having done that for some time we played that we were very, very sleepy, and we would He down In a corner under the trees and cover our heads with white aprons — we had become c a coons We remained In this position for some time; and so thoroughly did we enter Into the role of insects In a state of metamorphosis, that anyone listening would have heard pass between us, in a tone of the utmost seriousness, conversations of this nature: "Do you think you will soon be able to fly? " "Oh. yes! I'll be flying very soon; I feel them growing on my shoulders now... they'll soon unfold 'They naturally referred to wlngs. » Finally we would wake up. stretch ourselves, and without saying anything, we conveyed by our manner our astonishment at the great transformation In our condition... Then suddenly we began to run lightly and very nimbly in our tiny shoes; In our hands we held the corners of our pinafores which we waved as If they were wings. We ran and ran and chased each other and Hew about making sharp and fantastic curves as we went. We hastened from flower to flower and smelled all of them, and we continually Imi- tated the restlessness of giddy moths; we imagined, too. that we were Imitating their bussing, when we exclaimed Hon on. on' a noise we made by filling the cheeks with air and puffing it out quickly through the half- closed mouth -Pierre Lot! In The Story of a Child. " The Bold Beginner When I heard that I'd got to recite tonight. I felt so frightfully brave and proud. I hadn't a tremor, or trace of fright; I was ready to face the most critical crowd. My ambitions had reached their height Thais how I felt when the news first came. I studied my pieces from dawn Ull dark; But somehow I didn't feel quite the same As the day were on— what had Began to feel rather tame. The tameneas turnqd to a haunting fear I couldn't eat. and I never smiled As this horrible, ghastly hour drew near I lost the ways of a charming child And became— what you see me. here. Old Damocles sword waa a joke to mine I've known every pang of the hunted I was sure I'd forget every of which I d a perfectly good But I forced myself to It and here I am. Boldly confronting the footlights' glare. Outwardly calm as the callous clam If I'd known what ordlnYy folk you were, T wouldn't have eared a— bit — L Bullock- Webster 1 If I did no think of the sound of it. believe I should esteem It a sofx ry pleasant to the ear, varied but -r* phalli- singularly free from guttural or metell! '- so'inda, restful, dignified snd friend - 1 believe I should choose it LITTLE TWO-EYES% By M GENEVIEVE SILVESTER MAKE- A out md paste rn stiff the twelve pictures that tell this story to make a book. Cut them on white paper You will then have a complete story. Cut a cover sew thTpagea of -he book Into It with a big. Winnie's Naughty Charge When her mother gave hef the dinner she had saved for her, TnfQ-Eyes said, "I am not hungry. " "That is queer, " said her mother, "Tn>o-Eycs is al- ways hungry. One-Eye go with Two-Eyes and see if anyone brings her food to eat. ' One-Eye went with Two-Eyes when she took the sheep to the Held. But One-Eye was soon very sleepy. 9 Two-Eyes said, "One- Eye, lie down and I mil sing you to sleep. " One- Eye Was soon fast asleep. Then Two-Eyes called the goat. And up came the fair) table. She ate all she wanted and sent the table away. When they went home, One-Eye said, "I did not see her eat anything. But she, sang and I Went to sleep for a little while" 11 Sportsmanship ^OTHINO else brings out qualities of good ' sportsmanship In a boy or girl as do athletic games. If you are a poor loser, you can't conceal It very long on the basketball floor, the baseball diamond or the tennis court. You've heard sportsmanship praised again and again, but you'll never realize how Im- portant it Is until you meet someone who Is a poor sport. He can't take a beating without grumbling. He never gives his opponent credit for good playing, but says It la Just luck. He Is always whining about conditions under which he plays. Nothing ever suits him He Is a chronic kicker. Altogether, he's just about as unattractive and contemptible a person as you'll meet anywhere We all like to win. but none of us can always te victorious. Play the game for the love of It. and don't put so much stress on the score Be a good loser, even If you can't be a good player Bsd sportsmanship Is the greatest sin In the sthlettc world The Imprisoned Merman I found a littie sailing ship Beside the silver sea; Its masts were tall. Its sails were trim And white as white could be. Charles PerraulU Author Of "Mother Goose" P)ID you ever wonder who first told the story of Cinderella. Red Riding Hood, and many another tale that has delighted the lit tie folks of every land where books are read? It Is not likely that we will ever know. Long before books were printed these stories were told In chimney corners In Winter or on the hillsides In Summer by aunts and uncles and grandmothers to wondering little folk: or per- hapa father gathered the noisy group about his knee and the little ones grew still as he told of fairy princes or the marvels of Tom Thumb. How long this went on we do not know, but the stories grew and grew till at last they could grow no more Then the story - tellera found new tales to tell— not so good or so perfect as the old ones. It was an old gentleman and scholar who. to please his young son. gathered up the stories told by the country folk of France about three hundred years ago His boy's name was given as the author, and one of the titles of the volume was the "The Stories of E careful of Sylvia said Mother as ahe handed Winnie a basket And. Sylvia, do not go too far away from Winnie I trust you both. " All right. Mather, they promised her. snd then turned towards the wood. Winnie carry- ing the lunch It was a glorious day. Just the sort for a pic- nic; but It was getting hue In the year and the sun would not keep the woods warm long, so Mother told them to be back soon after they had eaten their lunch "I wonder what s In the basket. " said Sylvia "Lefs look. " said Winnie. "That will spoil all the fun. We cannot enjoy It so much if we know what It Is beforehand. Let's pretend to be squirrels and collect nuta and put them In our pockets. 8tay near me. " "I'm not such a baby. " said Sylvia. "I could run on a Uttle. and you might catch me. " "Very well. " said Winnie "But you must shut your eyes first so as not to see where I go. " went on Sylvia "Mother said I was not to lose sight of you. " said Winnie. "We always do play hide and seek. " pouted Sylvia. "Thav is near the house, persisted the elder girl. "You can always be found near a house. ". 8ylvla began to cry. You're horrid. " she whimpered "Oh. come, said Winnie. "You run on a little way. and I'll give you a chance. I (eel I shouldn't shut my eyes really, not when Mother trusted me. " Sylvia ran off as quickly as she could. Win- nie after her. "You mustn't go so fast. "I'm carrying the basket. It's heavy. " Sylvia paid no heed On and on she ran. hiding behind this tree and that At last Winnie found a sheltered place which she thought she would remember She stopped a minute and put down her baaket It half slipped because the ground was uneven She took a piece of wood and propped It up. "Now 111 catch my sister. '' she cried triumphantly. She looked around her. listening for foot- steps on the Autumn leaves There was a rustling of the leaves, the songs of birds, the moaning of the wind and.. yes... that was the sound of footsteps! By Mrs. Nestor Noel face was dirty and I carried it across the And set it in the tide. It tossed about among the waves And rocked from side to aide. I peeped around the little mast. I pe*P*d inside the hold And there I found a mermsn brave With curls of glesmlng gold. "Fray throw me in the again. Pray throw me In the tide. While I am here the ship will roll. And I shall die. " he cried "I lay adreaming on a Up sailed this vessel bold A big wave lifted me aboard And tossed me In the hosd! I setted him by nis yellow hair And flung him In the sea. He dipped and flew his shining Ull. And off again swam he My little boat stood up so straight. I stood so free and fine, ir breasted all the rolling waves. With all its deck* aehlne Perhaps It was a fairy boat I really cannot say. I only know it spread it* sails And slowly sailed away. —Selected It is supposed that the little son had told the stories to his father, and that was why the child of ten was named as the author Now, Charles Perron it had written many books, with which he had taken great pains He was the head of that very learned body called the Academle Francaiee But the only that live now are the stories of Mother and a few others written for children One of these Is called "The Skin of the Ass ' It waa, then. Charles Perrault who preserved for the children of si! time Cinderella. Blue- beard. Puss-ln-Boots Red Riding Hood. The Sleeping Beauty, Tom Thumb, and others Many writers in France and other countries have told fairy tales, but Mother Ooose is still queen of the nursery. Runs Into Con INNIE started to run. Suddenly she saw cow In front of her. The girl was not afraid of cows She patted her. "You, Molly. " she said. "But then, where Is Sylvia? N Winnie ran in one direction, then In an- other. Nowhere could she find her sister Oh. what will Mother think. ' she cried, aa exhausted she sank down on a log and burst out crying. Of course. It was not her fault, she knew; but this did not seem to console her much. Lunch hour passed Winnie did not even look for her baaket What fun would lunch be without Sylvia? The sun was getting lower in the sky. Winnie began to shiver; but she did not think of herself, only of Sylvia and her Mother "Ob. dear. " she cried. "Sylvia will die of cold She 11 die. and the birds will cover her with leaves Will It be because I waa so stupid? I should never have let her out of my sight! " She called Sylvias name aloud; ahe shout- ed; she whistled; but there was only the echo, and It frightened her. Suddenly, while sat once more resting for a few minutes her head buried In her hands, ahe felt something cold sgalnst her fingers. She looked up. "Oh. Carlo. " she cried ' 'You've found me good dog. Come Find Sylvia " She Jumped up excitedly, the dog bounding about her Find Sylvia. " she repeated She did not move from where she stood. She trusted the dog to lead the way He sniffed the air. then running on. he dashed away. "Not so faaV' she cried Carlo ran back to her Again he ran on. then back then on At laat he stopped. Jump- ing and barking. There lay Sylvia near a tree fast asleep. Pompeifs Ancient Bakery Are You Making a Book? THE editor hopes a great many little boys and girls under ten are color tng the pic- tures In the story of Little Two- lyes on this page of the Sunday Colonist If you have not begun you can get daddy to buy the last two papers at the You have your wastes of eolors and if you follow the directions should have a pretty book The maker of the prettiest one shall have a dollar aa a prise All who send books In will have them returned and their names ' ■ r-r>< ~r,.. of those that IF ever you go to Pnru- • pen. in Italy, you csn tee in that ruined city the remsins nf hun- dreds of houses snd shops snd streets, the house hold furniture, chariots, ccokmg titen sils snd other remains 'if s people who lived and worked here eigh- teen hundred snd nt' years sgo 1 or the < it > ♦ as a prosperous com munity up to the year 7° AD. st which time the volcano of Vesuvius burst into an eruption of fire and burning lava. The city was not totally rlestroved. however, for moch of it «as aaarwfa covered with thousands of tons of ashes from t h e fiery mountain These ashes are being removed now snd. trvnigh s great *, t] nf the city is still covered with theen. much of it is entirely •■posed snd we csn see the town a» 'he present day much as it was eighteen centuries ago One of the most interesting of the sights an covered is that of sn sncient hakerv shop with much of its primitive machinery still in plsce sad some of it «»ill in such gonH repair that it might be useH today The bskery itself is the building en the left Og the riejht of this house is sn open court in which we see the «tone mills for Each of these sr grinding the baker s flour old mills II an hour glass shape*" •lone which i« hollow, the upper part forming i funnel-shaped hopper in which the grsin «•» poured The lower psrt is sn invert et funnel placed over a cone shaped stone insirle of it The grsin dropped between the inner stone and the outer, and when the outer trope •-as turned hy s |e*t| bet pla^eH in its aide ihe gram wss ground to flour Setween the two The stones when examined were fownd so he well. worn. an d even some psrtkles of grain snij floor were found between them, the only reminders of the hread bested by this un known bsker of NsV#«M toe h. s Winnie bem "Wake up. ' ahe cried We've got to get home- Sylvia opened her blue eyes "Oh. Wtnnla. ' she said "I thought 1 was lost. You never caught me Oh. here s Carlo " "Yes, " said Winnie "If It hadn't been foi him. Id never have found you Hold my hand. Wed better get home before Mother worries. " Mother bad already worried and sent the dog In search of them. a few ques- "I didn't mean to run so fast, " said Sylvia. "If Winnie hadn't put down the basket— oh - where is the basket? I'm so hungry. '' The basket had to be left until the next day when Mother went with the two children and found It herself. "There will not be any more picnics In the woods this year, she said Next year. Sylvia wUl have learnt not to run away from big sister when I leave her In charge "111 never run away She kept her word A Tiny Feathered Friend bird called the wren? An article In Our Dumb Animals shows that the gardener can have no better friend Here are a few para- graphs that will help you to recognize gnd value this little neighbor: The bird Is small, somewhat the color of a mouse and as she nits about In the bushes snd hedges, reminds one somewhat of the mouse She Is seldom seen in the open coun- try, for no long flights are taken, but confines herself to the bushes. If one Is quiet he may observe this little bird sn she moves about and may be able to come very close without Inter- fering with her home life The wren is a great singer and produces some very loud songs for a creature so small In food habits the wren Is entirely benefi- cial, for the food la almost entirely animal. Of a great number of stomachs examined QH per cent of the contents waa made up of in- sects or their allies and only a pei rent was vegetable food This Included bits of grass which had evidently been taken while cap- turing Insects The stomach contents con- tained grasshoppers, beetles, caterpillars, bugs, and spiders. The bird Is a great hunter and searches diligently about bams, decsylng trees, posts, vines, and spaces In walls lor Insects. The neat is made up of sticks, grass, string, moss, and almost any material available. Often a great quantity of sti. *a Is taken Into a box, carried out again and once more the work of carrying tbem beck begins Often several nests will be built in the vicinity and. It his been thought by many, that these were prac- tice nests built by the young of the previous year: others say It is a peculiarity of the bird that it tries several nests before msklng s final decision. The wren Is not particular as to the plsce of building, but will tske up Its abode In boxes, tin cans, or crevices. One family built In the body of a hawk which had been nailed to a barn door; another built In the skull of s calf; still another built In an old mitten No mst- ter where the bird takes possession, It pours out its thanks In sweet song The house Is kept clean and tidy and free from vermin Six to eight eggs are laid. They are of a creamy color and so thickly spotted with brown that the whole egg The Secret Valley /f ARJORTE kept one walk all to herself iVI It went up a lane and ended In a still green valley. She had grown to love It And when Uncle Clifford 'who was over on s holiday from Rhodesia > came to stay. Mar- Jcrrte went off to her private valley quite hap pily When she got there she found that had got there first It waa Uncle He was lying on the hillside, puf- "Oh. dear! " cried Marjorle ruefully as she came up to him. "I thought this was mine I m sorry It seems selfish of me. Uncle Clif- ford, but I did discover If And so did I-when I was a boy. " said her •TJont be sad Marjorle Every lovely and quiet belongs to many pggflfc They nearly always go there by themselves This Is our secret, and probably other people's, too I often think of this place when I am fsr away In Rhodesia, and you will think of It. Marjorle. when you are grown-up and away. I shall not spoil It for you. for I why you love it And to lovs the s he added with a smile, means that we ars going to be tremendous friends. '' And Indeed they were My Magazine 4 LittU ChiUV* Good- Night Oentle Jesus meek end mild. Look upon this little child. Pity ray simplicity. Suffer me to come to Thee Fain I would to Thee be Oraetoue Ood. forbid it | In the kingdom of Thy gt Thy Uttle ehtld a TUP. DAILY COLONIST. VICTORIA. SrXDAY. SEPTEMBER 1?. W Care of Poultry on the Farm By R C GIBSON YOU have been very patient *ith the writer of these note* for the past two or three months, and he thanks you for your kind, consideration, attention and good wiahe.. dm mm his tunes*. So to resume our series of article* dealing with culling, housing and feeding, tlao the general bringing "up 1 of your new pullets — you must now have an ideal house filled with Ideal buds, only waiting ideal management to turn them into real prufUmakers thioughout the Winter Let us round off our little series by giving you the details of how you can achieve thla admirable end Taking things in their order of Im- portance, we cannot do better than by « -tart with feeding M //„ Hethod* of Feeding | ANY an- the methods of feeding, but- Ltam arc only two that stand ahead of all others, namely, tne dry mash and the wet mash methods. There is nothing to choose between them as regards e«g production, but each method cults different poultry keepers. The dry mash way saves the labor of heattog the water, mixing and dishing out the mash and the cost of cleaning of troughs. On the other hand. It is not so palatable to the birds as the wev mash, and there is also the cost of hoppers to be considered. Having decided on which method you are going to adopt, the next thing is to draw up a menu, i. e., an order for feeding The day is divided Mito three feeding periods— morning, noon and evening- but the neon one may be cut out if you find that you cannot possibly visit your birds at that Then there are the proper quantities of each food to give at each feeding period^ Dry Mash Feeding— Early morning Three- quarters of an ounce of grain mixture per bird, absolutely buried in loose, light, dry, clean scratching Noon: Oreenlood uf not on grass run-, plus a tMiy feed of grain. again buried, say. one handful. Evening: A* much | nun as the buds can jwsMbly eat, given on lop of the litter or to troughs, preferably the latler. Notes— There must never be any grain left uneaten by the birds in the morning. There must always be fresh, sweet-smelling, dry mash in hoppers placed in that position to the house Which is easiest for the birds to get at. and plenty of clean water and oyster or clam shell grit, likewise placed in accessible hoppers. Wet Mash Feeding— Early morning: One and three-quarter ounces of grain mixture buried In Utter as above Noon Oreenfood and half an ounce per bird buried grain. Three-quarters of an hour before sunset: A huge crop-nillng feed of warm, crumbly wet mash, as much as they can possibly eat Clean water and shell grit always available The idea In both cases Is to make the birds eat as much mash a* possible Cram them full of ouuh Id produce eggs and keep them healthy by scratching to the Utter for grain. If they do not eal much wet mash in the evening, or If they do not seem keen on the dry mash, cut down the grain until they do. By the way— pardon me— these menus are • specially de- signed for the feeding or Just-ln-lay pullets, and are sllghtlv different from those Intended for old hens, etc Now we come to the actual composition of the feeds themselves. Below we give the best possible mash and grain mix- tures, containing Ingredient* easy to obtain and. withal, reasonable in price. Dry Mash Composition— Three parts, by weight, of middlings, two of yellow malse meal: one each of ground oats, clover tor Lu- cerne meal, broad bran and meat-and-bone meal. Each meal must be purchased separate- ly and all mixed together very thoroughly, for intimate mixing is essential. Wet Mash Composition— Five parts, by weight, of middlings, two and a half or yellow maize meal, two or ground oats, one and a hair of meat-and-bone meal, one or broad bran end hajf or clover. the <>rain Mixture TOT grain mixture I* two part* each of wheat and kibbled malie and one of heavy white oats. As a rough guide, one hand- ful of grain taken with tire hand palm down- wards Is equal to two ounce*, so that three- quarters ol an ounce per bird would be one and a hall handfula per rour birds. Do not throw the grain down Just on top or the Utter. It must be taked in with a long -toothed rake. It is a better Idea still to don a pair of rubber boots and. as the food la thrown in front of >ou. to kick the inter immediately over and on top of the gram Those of you who keep only six' to twelve birds in your back yard, or on your lot of (10 x 120. will find that it Is moat economical to use up the scraps from the table. U is almost impossible to give a mash formula to suit the mixing of house scraps, because they vary to composition such a lot The fol- lowing, however, may be taken as an at for a mash containing house scraps parts, bv weight, of house scraps, four of mid- dlings and one each of clover meal. malae meal and meat-and-bone meal If the scraps contain much meat, cut out the meat-and- bone meal; If much bread, the mala* meal, and if much vegetable, the clover meal. In regard to greenfood. a regular supply is Im- portant rrom the end or this month because at about that time. the gnu* begins to lose a great deal of Its nutritive value, and the weather has been so good in Western Canada thla year that. weU. it s Just not here, that * all Of course, there are other greenstuffs — cabbages, sprout leaves, spinach released and kale are all ex- cellent, and U these are not obtainable, you ran sprout oaU. or give swedes, and do not rail to omit the clover, or lucerne meal to tne mash When pullets first come Into lay. you will nonce a vastly increased appetite, which must be satisfied And finally, before we leave the question of feeding, let us aay that cleenli neas la absolutely pullets undoubtedly endure a severe strain and m their somewhat weakened condition, filthy, gerro-rldden apparatus may cause no end of Ulneaa. / he est Hit t es ■^EW pullets often give trouble m not laying iy to the nest boxes provided for them Maybe they are unable to get up easily Many nest boxes can be much improved by fitting up an alighting perch You know— about alx inches from the entrance to the nest Another rather common nuisance at this tune is the pullet which make* a cosy nest In the corner of the house and lays there before the owner Is up to the morning. Yes. and nearly always to the corners, mind you. rarely out to the open litter, and therefore It la a fine plan to kick or rake aU the Otter from the corners Into the centre of the house last thing at night Ample nest boxes are another essential to the stop- ping of this laying away, as weU as broken eggs, and bad-tempered fowls. There must be at least one nest box for every rour Wrds. and If you are going to trap-uieat. the aUowance should be one lor every three birds. Young pullet* are nervous when they first mme on to lay, and they must never be frightened by such things as Happing sacks, dogs or stran- gers. Neither must the reeding be changed abruptly. Any change that you deem neces- sary must be made gradually, Increasing pro- portion and lowering the amount of the latter pro ratio Keep a strict watch on litter to see that it Is always light and easily acratched It must be kept dry by maintaining a sound root and a dry rioor When bad weather come* along, put all shutters up. refit the glass to the wire netting "windows' and fit storm boards over any necessary places. If you find that despite all your precautions the house st Ul seems badly ventilated, cut out some more spaces near the droppings boards, but to such position that the bud* are not subjected to draughts by being in a direct line between two windows or ventilators. If the house draughty, big sheets of rubber-like roof- ing felt fixed over the suspected side will soon put at rest "aU trouble. ' If Eggs Must Be Washed IT Is a pity when new-latd eggs have to be * washed before they are marketed It shows carelessness on the part of the attendant to that he has not done everything to Insure the production of clean ones Washing an egg generally means that the bloom disappears. This bloom is the trademark of the new-laid eggs. 8tale ones and plckJed ones do not possess It. Destroy the bloom and the con- sumer doe* not quite know what he Is buying. But It the eggs must be v. ashed, there la a way or doing It which doe* not spoil the eggs" ap- pearance entUely The bloom Is pretty firmly attached, thererore. unless the eggs are rubbed. It la not removed to any extent Put the dirty eggs into luke-warm water and wipe with a piece of flannel Dip into the water again and dry by standing the eggs on blotting paper. Do not polish them with a cloth, tor It is chier- ly this which spoils the bloom. Spare Items FROM now on. wait till the dew la off the r grass before letting the layers out to the morning Handle the stubblers of an evening occasionally to make sure their crops are full. If they are not the buds will need more rood. Creosote the nest boxes against the Winters damp, but do not let the hen* use them till they are dry. Oive the finished moulters a little sulphur to their mash— It helps refealh- erlng. Watch ror and treat slipped wing " to the biggest of the cockerels. When the weeds begin to die you will notice some hole* In the wire netting bottom. Mend them or the blftls will surely find them. Clean out the Incubator to preparation for the hatching or Spring chickens and duckling* Have you heard or the duck egg laying com- petition Duck egg* are coming Into their own The Jersey ( Vou Ban be oastse sun mat one or tie eery beaj pgajg for rr, r small farm ■ that BM gain cow. the ever delightful Jeraey. Delight- ful because of its deer-Uke form and head and u% great sensitive eyes And as a dairy animal lew have better -shaped udders She is also- a cow with an extremely quiet docile, kindly nature all very important on the one-man rarm. saving time and temper and inconveni- ence for the man with small acreage and limned means and tor the man who wishes to torge ahead, great opportunity it ts to the Jersey breed For the owner of the small herd of Jeraey cows ha* the means of capturing so much of the local milk trade as he wishes and can supply. Can you' wonder at this b any- one likely to buy ordinary everyday milk when]t is poaalble to get milk that when left stand- ing in a glass rorms several Inches of thick.. rich yellow cream? And the butter, too. stands well away rrom ordtoary butter because or 1U surprising color, and Into the bargain you get far more butter per gallon or milk It is sur- prising that not more Jersey cattle are kept, for. considering the alxe or the animal, the mUk yields are extraordinary. Many a cow gives her thousand gallons or mUk a year and does this at extremely low coat. All this Is weU worth your consideration, because even the very best or pedigree Jersey cows are yet to be bought at very Utile money, and a* you wlU understand rrom the roregolng ract* la one or the very best smaU lanners' cows to the world. : o. d rrs* tie rjfc«dbOT»ecr d m>ja^jl^ hthimA J)»jck Fall Planted Bulbs 'I HK time has arrived to think or preparing 1 for the Spring MM tot a supply of Wlntei blooniiu* riowers B:; I rv* arr chiefly relied upon for both these purpoaea. and recent importations of tulips, hyacinth*, narcissus, and similar flower* will now be available to aU seed store*. It la a matter to have a brilliant display of In early Spring If the bulbs are planted tn early September or October When different varieties are chro-iv the blooming period will be apread over that otherwise barren season of the yea: fogg early Spring until the first of the perennials commence to flower. Most or these bulbs can also be grown Indoors lor flowering during the Whiter months In the catalogues, varieties of tulips, narcissus and hyacinths that are suitable lor forcing Indoors are usually listed separately. For this purpose they should be planted In pott, or special bulb bowls, using soil, fibre or pebbles, and the* must be started In a cold, dark place, and kept there until the roots are weU developed Fruit From the Ground Up ___ —, _, A Series of Articles. Written From Actual Experience on Making a Small Fruit Farm on Vancouver Island Garden Week by Week By NORMAN W F RANT. H S O 1 Care of Geese i NE of the best ways of getting the geese into good condition for fattening— the process should begin about the middle of Sep- tember—la to feed them on plenty of turnips Up to the present you have probably been sup- plying the goallnga with a smaU feed of wet mash In the morning and a full meal of soaked grain In the evening. But now that the birds have larger appetites— they do eat tremen- doualy— it's a pretty costly Job to carry on in the same way. Those who grow turnips on theU land

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La gomera gigante. Richtig geiles Feeling im Video ! Weiter so. Dany. La gomera escuintla guatemala. Straight off, this movie is totally different to what you may be used when thinking about Romanian movies. Starting with the story, the cast (Catrinel Marlon is magnificent) the scenery, smart humor and hidden little gems (references to various famous scenes in other movies) this film makes you think you're watching more of a Hollywood movie than a Romanian one, although, as a downside, I must say certain characters seem to be portrayed a bit simplistic.
The story is, to some extent, a typical police one, but the twist of using the whistling language from Gomera Island enriches the plot all around as it unfolds.
I really liked the movie and I would be happy if it sets the new trend in Romanian Cinema.

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  1. About The Author: Mateo Prezioso
  2. Bio: Anti porteños




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